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Merging multiple similar Matrix fields into one

I recently inherited a client’s Craft CMS project where the original developer has created a lot of redundancies, unnecessarily duplicating sections and doing almost identical Matrix fields for each ...
Tobias S.'s user avatar
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Craft 5 Update: Database Views for Content Table No Longer Functioning

I have a custom module on my Craft CMS site that uses a database view by joining the content table and user table. This view consolidates all user details into one place. However, with the Craft CMS 5 ...
PCS's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Deleted User - can their content be recovered?

Unfortunately we have deleted the user account for an ex-member of staff and all the content that they had put on the website has disappeared. We aren't sure who deleted the account, we assume that ...
Peter-IW's user avatar
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Content Migration in Craft 4

We are presently working on content development on the staging site. Once UAT is complete and approval is obtained, we intend to transfer this content to the production site. However, we have ...
Selva's user avatar
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Content revision issue for every code deployment

The content reversion issue was reported during the production deployment of a new module on the Craft CMS site. To address this issue, we suspect the below deployment scripts are causing the content ...
JohnC's user avatar
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Revision history depending on the site, not the entry I have a site with a large number of subsites, so it would be very useful for content editors to save revisions/drafts for each site instead of entry. ...
RomanAvr's user avatar
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Auto draft with background changes

I have an entry with a readonly json field (Jason plugin). This field is populate with data from an external api. So I have a button in my entry page that call a custom route which call the api and ...
Robin Gauthier's user avatar
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How to update from Craft version 2 to 4?

I'm working with a Craft site that's running on version 2.6 and I need to get it updated to the latest version. My first approach was to just start a fresh site and then import the existing database, ...
taylor018's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I define and use global variables within content fields?

I'd like to set a variable like "totalCustomers" and then use this throughout our content in different pages and content blocks so that there is one source of truth. Is that possible? e.g. I ...
Lee's user avatar
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Uppercase certain words in string

We have some content that contains words that should be presented in uppercase - the content comes via an API and is in all uppercase, we change it to title case to make it presentable. I had started ...
Jaytrix's user avatar
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Display something in the middle of post content

My entry content is displayed like this: {% for block in entry.postContent.all() %} <div class="my-4"> {% if block.type == 'text' %} {{ block.text }} {% elseif ...
Lukas Snarskis's user avatar
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Structuring externally scraped content

I scrape content from an external website using JSON API with the FeedMe plugin. Content is saved as entries with plain text and redactor-type Fields. How can I structure this content so that I can ...
Jay's user avatar
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Change order content blocks home page

Good afternoon, I was wondering to what extent you can change (the order for example) the existing contentblocks on the pages. Thank you in advance!
Milou's user avatar
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What's the difference between Neo and Matrix fields?

Im a bit new in Craft CMS But so far to me, seems like both allow the user to create multiple blocks of content
Paloma Martinez's user avatar
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Exchange Content between Local and Production

Often I want to test in my local environment with content other people created on the production site. So it would be great to copy e.g. an entry from production. I've found: Smith https://plugins....
Malte's user avatar
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How to query in MySQL all entries with related categories

I have a custom product grid not associated with Craft Commerce. I am wondering, how can I query, in the SQL database, all entries and their related categories?
Akuden 's user avatar
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Serializing assets field is returning a serialized criteria object, but how to return serialized data?

I'm saving a custom element that has content by field layout. When successfully saved, I return the object in the response. Now, most of the data is usable but the assets field is just a serialized ...
wietse's user avatar
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Craft CMS Content has Disappeared?

My content within all of my pages has disappeared. The website is only displaying the header and footer on each page. When I try to restore the internal page to it's previous version to get the ...
Angie's user avatar
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How to handle client expectations regarding page building and layout within Craft

I love Craft CMS and use it for nearly every site I build. There isn't a better tool (in my opinion) for managing custom data. And using a matrix field as content builder solves the majority of my ...
mjr's user avatar
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Exporting Entry content

I really spend a lot of time searching for a solution to this problem. When I try using the Export plugin to export some entries with some Matrix fields and Neo fields for content, all that I can get ...
Abdelhafid AABID's user avatar
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Content creation and translation workflow

I've developed my Craft website locally ( in fact on a virtual machine on the company intranet, so it's accessible within the company ). Now it's time to fill the site with contents and translate them ...
Alessio Breviglieri's user avatar
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Best Technique for have sections in display in same page with anchor link to each section

I'm currently in the process of making a website for a restaurant and using Craft CMS & I'm not sure how to go about making the menu page. It is a very complete page with a bunch of different ...
mateostabio's user avatar
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Using Structures instead of Singles

Has anyone ever tried using Structures instead of Singles? I'm developing something that's kind of like multiple sites in one, they share the same central design, just with content differences and a ...
Chrish's user avatar
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5 answers

Has someone figured out Craft 3 content migrations?

One of the big features for craft 3 is content migrations. Migrating fields and sections between environments (like deploying code to test or production). I'm just having a hard time figuring out what ...
Roel's user avatar
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Is there a fieldtype in Craft like "Content Elements" or "Bloqs" for ExpressionEngine?

I have been using EE for over 5 years now, and am just starting to get into Craft (and I love it!). In my recent EE sites, I've used Content Elements, and it has been a great way to give my clients ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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I want to get the HTML/text contents of the Redactor editor

I'm building a plugin for Craft CMS. This plugin will load on the edit/content page, where the standard Redactor WYSIWYG editor will be loaded too (by CraftCMS). I want to get the HTML/text contents ...
iNalgiev's user avatar
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Locale migration …

Any thoughts on the best way (if at all) of bulk-migrating content within a site from one locale to another? We have a large(ish) site and want to streamline into a single locale. This means moving a ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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One structure vs a structure per section?

I'm new to Craft CMS and I would appreciate some advice re the best approach to take for modelling content. I'm coming from an ExpressionEngine background, where I would typically use one pages ...
Janine's user avatar
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How can I remove all text content and assets from a duplicated site?

I duplicated a site. What is the easiest way to delete all assets and text data but keep fields and sections in place?
Bryan Garrant's user avatar
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Updating just a single content field from a plugin

I have a Task that is running through a collection of elements, moving some data from one field to another. The problem I am hitting (more and more with situations like this) is that in order to ...
Mike Pepper's user avatar
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Migrate contents between fields?

Right now, we have a matrix field called post body which has all our content, we have text, image, video etc... In our image block we have 2 fields, An asset field called image & a plain text ...
Seán O'Grady's user avatar
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Have auto selected categories with new section entry

Is there a way to have auto selected a category when an editor creates a new section entry in the admin? Kinda like a pre-filled field?
Dave Driesmans's user avatar
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asset.getUrl() outputs double slashes

Craft hasn't done this prior (or maybe I just noticed), but I'm currently battling double slashes in URLs returned from {{ asset.getUrl() }}. The issue appears when I create an Assets field and set ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
14 votes
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A/B testing - how to in Craft?

What's your process for A/B testing a Craft entry? I'm curious about how you'd structure alternative content for a page within Craft and what tools you'd use to measure the results. Any comments ...
Leah's user avatar
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Globals versus Singles

We are building a restaurant site that has a banner image and some introductory text on each page. For pages that include content from a Channel, e.g. the wine list, we are using a Global to define ...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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What is the max # of version history for any given entry?

I can't seem to find anywhere mentioning what the max # of versions a given entry can have--I would assume its unlimited (given unlimited DB space).
Fred's user avatar
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Creating and using custom content tables

If I want to create fields that get set to a custom content table rather than craft_content how would I do that?
Matt V's user avatar
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Craft's Content Table

I'm essentially in the process of learning Craft and in that process have made some great strides. Today I was examining Craft's tables to see how it was actually storing fields created through ...
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What's a Craft way to achieve extra info on specific relationships?

For example, say I have two sections: Services Locations I make an entries field called "Services" and add it to the Locations field group, so that on a Location entry you can add n number of ...
Peter Tell's user avatar
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Modelling flexible content sections and recommendations

A little background first; I'm coming from WordPress, along with the Advanced custom fields (ACF) plugin, so my thinking behind this may not be the best way in Craft. In ACF I usually set up a field ...
Mark Goodyear's user avatar
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content and fields won't show up on new single

I just installed Craft, linked it to my database (localhost) and then created a new single "about" page. But when I go to edit the single, there are no fields. I haven't changed anything else! When I ...
strandall's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Solution for Matrix-within-Matrix (or More Robust Table Fields)

I was wondering if anyone has stumbled on a good solution for including matrix-like fields within a matrix block. I’m working on a site where each page's is constructed in one big matrix with several ...
philzelnar's user avatar
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Creating a related content subpage to a channel entry?

For a project I'm working on I have set up several channels that are related to each other. What the setup comes down to is the following: Channels: Projects |- News relations (news is a channel and ...
Martijn B.'s user avatar
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How can Craft-generated Content HTML be accessed via an external PHP app?

We have a CakePHP 2.5 app for which we'll very soon be building a learning centre/knowledge base. Craft is one of the tools we're considering for that due to its apparent suitability for content ...
David Oliver's user avatar
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Content Modeling for Site Architecture Recommendations

I am doing some content modeling for a site with over 100 pages with a pretty deep tree. The site has a lot of what I refer to as "General Pages" as well as a collection of channel type content in the ...
SethG's user avatar
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Advanced layout: Best way to create a tabbed page with variable content in each tab

I'd like to create some tabs on a page, and the content inside each tab. The thing is, inside one tab you will have 3 columns which would have a title/body in little sections for each column. Then in ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Adding description and other information to channels

This might be a little difficult to explain thoroughly and correctly, bear with me. :) The Problem The news website I'm working on has different categories based on topics, location, and "genres" (...
cballenar's user avatar
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How flexible is tying content to a structure?

I'm trying to decide how to organize my content on a site with a few levels of hierarchical content. I'm toying with the idea of creating structures for all my top level navigation items, with a few ...
Alex H's user avatar
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What is the best way to include an Element's content?

I'm creating a HTTP RESTful API plugin for Craft. In this case, I'm trying to return Elements (based on criteria), and include their content (via $element->getContent()). By default, if I return ...
Matt's user avatar
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Is there a way to delete all entries?

Starting on a second site which is an almost like for like copy of the first, except it has different content. I cant use locales to manage it because there may be the possibility of multiple ...
Seán O'Grady's user avatar