A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
For use with questions relating to the Craft 3 version of Craft CMS, including the Beta and RC releases.
Questions having to do with constructing plugins.
Front-end Twig templates that can Craftily render markup, scripts, and styles.
Entries hold the content that you want to display on your web pages. Each entry has an Author, a Post Date, an Expiration Date (if desired), a status (enabled or disabled), and, of course, content.
Files managed by Craft, stored in physical folders or (with Craft Pro) on Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, and Google Cloud.
for questions relating to the Craft Commerce product.
Matrix fields allow you to create multiple blocks of content within a single field.
Questions about plugin availability or usage, as opposed to those that are development-centric.
Categories are taxonomies for your entries, users, and assets.
Craft member accounts.
Questions having to do with Craft's control panel.
Locales and multi-lingual translations.
Questions around Craft's relational field types.
An easy to use WYSIWYG editor that is visually light and very flexible.
Craft configuration and settings.
Information about an error displayed when an unexpected condition (error) occurs.
Plugin that makes it easy to create a JSON API for your elements, from Pixel & Tonic.
Craft's native, non-destructive image manipulations.
DateTime objects provide information about a given date/time.
Questions related to Craft 3 Yii Module Development
Questions having to do with Craft's ElementCriteriaModel, which is used to return a set of elements narrowed by a variety of parameters.