I'm new to Craft CMS and I would appreciate some advice re the best approach to take for modelling content.
I'm coming from an ExpressionEngine background, where I would typically use one pages channel for standard text pages, usually in conjuction with the Structure add-on to generate a nice site tree in the control panel where users could move page entries around between various sections as needed.
Now in Craft, I see a Structure type and it's tempting to have one structure called Pages to act in a similar way. This would enable the main nav for the site to be dynamic using the nav tag, and users could easily move pages wherever they want site wide.
So I would end up with the following content model:
- Singles: Homepage
- Channels: News, Events etc
- Structures: Pages
Pages would end up as a site map excluding the homepage, with each top level entry being a site section e.g.
News (page used for news landing)
Events (page used for events landing)
-Opening Hours
However, I see that the Happy Lager demo site takes a one structure per section approach. Also, early on in the Mijingo video series, it cautions against using one structure for most/all your site.
I am keen to use best practice from the off, so would appreciate if you could advise whether having one master pages structure is a valid approach or why it's a bad idea.
Many thanks