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Variable entry does not exist on blog post

We just installed the CMS and like it very much. On the other hand while following the basic tutorial we seem to get the error "Variable "entry" does not exist." on the most simple ...
Ron Cooper's user avatar
2 votes
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CSRF token using Craft as an API

Our Craft site needs to exchange data with our customer in-house APP. And at some point it needs for the APP to POST us updates. We set some sort of API with a Api and Secret Key to exchange between ...
Sylvain Tremblay's user avatar
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404 Error Controller Action From Jquery But Not Url

I'm able to call my controller action directly from a url in the browser and get the proper response but when I call it from a page with js I get a 404 error. I'm working off the solution found here ...
Ryan Sneesby's user avatar
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Calls to /actions return 400 Bad Request

I'm trying to use jquery ( and/or VueJS with axios) to delete an asset from a frontend form (user is logged in and they have permissions to delete assets from this volume) I have an HTML element that ...
Adrian's user avatar
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What does {{ hiddenInput('enabled', '1') }} in an entry form do?

What's the purpose of {{ hiddenInput('enabled', '1') }} in an entry form? <form method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8"> {{ csrfInput() }} {{ actionInput('entries/save-entry') }} {{ redirectInput('...
jamesSeb's user avatar
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Bad Request: Post Request Required when saving hyperlink in specific redactor field

I'm having a strange issue here. I have a site running Craft 3.3.7. I have an entry with a matrix field with several redactor fields in it. In one of those redactor fields, I have a paragraph of text. ...
Josh Parylak's user avatar
2 votes
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How to process POST and entry fields when using same form for Add as Edit on front end?

I use the same form for adding an entry on the front end as I do for editing it. So when editing it, we need to insert the field values in the fields. When editing or adding it we also need to re-...
Laurence Cope's user avatar
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Hyperlinks in blog are not showing underlined

I'm brand new to Craft, having been a Wordpress user. I'm managing a site for a small charity. Having done some new pages and a blog page without any problem, I did a blog yesterday in which the ...
Rob's user avatar
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plugins route post controller?

I am developing a custom authentication plugin for Craft 3. But I can't route to my Controller via POST request with my login form. Request via GET work
user2958993's user avatar
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Storing data for page in twig

I'm using craft-stripecheckout to accept payments on my site, but want to email the user with the custom fields after they have been redirected. Easiest way to describe this is below: Page 1 - User ...
Tim Coysh's user avatar
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How to handle form submissions?

So I am coming from WordPress and typically I would typically handle a post by either hooking into the wp_post action and access the $_POST request that way. Now I believe Craft is built on Yii which ...
Radmation's user avatar
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Craft CSRF protection and Facebook Tab

I have a Craft 3 installation and want to add a tab/app to Facebook like Facebook sends a post request to the configured secure tab URL. Now when Craft's CSRF protection is ...
mario's user avatar
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How do I send a POST request using the Dukt REST plugin?

The plugin documentation is somewhat lacking, but based on the documentation that exists and looking at the plugin files, I believe a post request should take the following form: {% set response = ...
Pete H's user avatar
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Bad Request with weird params

I just installed Craft fresh, there's almost nothing in my DB as I'm just beginning to develop a plugin. All I want is to save a new entry from the frontend of my website. I've done this before in ...
Tom De Smet's user avatar
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POSTing data into Craft

I have a site set up that uses Craft as a CMS only, not used to display templates, as this is handled by React JS separately. My site is set up so that Craft responds on /api. I cannot for the life ...
designermonkey's user avatar
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Is it possible to return data/models from controller to template via setRouteVariables?

I'm trying to write a plugin that lives in the admin interface, that reads external data (a cinema program), parses it, and creates entries based on this (movie info and screening times). While doing ...
KSP's user avatar
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Express Server posting user data to Craft

First of all let me just say that I have only been using Craft for a few months and still has allot to learn about it. My issue is quite simple in that I have an express server running to display the ...
Gevann Mullins's user avatar
2 votes
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Ajax Post to guestEntries/saveEntries from another domain

I have a separate Craft install that I am using to communicate to a few different sites. I have a front-end form on another one of these sites (a React.js app) that is looking to post back to this ...
Rob Erskine's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[23000]: Column 'targetId' cannot be null

I'm getting the following error whenever I try to post a new entry to one of my channels in Craft: 2015/10/26 14:42:36 [error] [system.db.CDbCommand] CDbCommand::execute() failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: ...
Tam's user avatar
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Registration email link not being sent

I'm using the following form, and occasionally through testing the e-mail activation link will send, however the majority of time it never gets sent. Did I do something wrong with the form? <form ...
taylor's user avatar
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Get _POST from Select element in Form

I'm trying to get the _POST data for my form in a plugin, and for whatever reason am unable to get the selected option from a select tag: <form class="parseResults" action="actions/MyPlugin/...
taylor's user avatar
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How to create entry from external app webhook?

I want to create an entry in an existing channel via a webhook from zoho crm. It's pretty straightforward. Like many apps, Zoho's webhook allows you to specify destination url, the method (get or post)...
BrianM's user avatar
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Pixel & Tonic's Contact Form Plugin - POST submissions to Zapier Webhook URL?

I'm still a beginner with PHP so please bear with me. I've installed the Contact Form plugin for Craft by Pixel and Tonic, and have it configured to work as expected. However, I'd like to have the ...
Chris OBrien's user avatar
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Posting an entry without using a form?

I'd like to create a history section so logged in users can see which pages they have visited. Is there a way to post an entry without using a form? So the user does not have to click to say he has ...
j00lz's user avatar
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Multiple category output in auto generated entry title

I have a single category field (named category) in my section and I am looking to use the auto-generated title to keep these entries titled consistently. I have had success outputting the first ...
Alan Miller's user avatar
3 votes
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Compose URL POST parameters to filter entries by category?

How do you update an URL with new params? I'm working on a search / filter entries page. I have multiple menu lists with categories in it. Like this: Size: Small Medium Large Color: Blue Red White ...
Johannes Lamers's user avatar
4 votes
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Access POST data to conditionally display form

I'm working with the contact form plugin and would like to test for post data to see if the form was just submitted. It seems this code always throws a template error. Variable "test" does not exist ...
mjr's user avatar
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