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Questions tagged [plugin-charge]

Questions specific to the Charge plugin for Craft

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Charge Plugin - Stripe payments occasionally not being received in craft

I have some Charge payments on my website, and I have registered the onCharge event in my plugin, like so: public function init() { parent::init(); craft()->on('charge.onCharge', function(...
Jai Redden's user avatar
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Charge plugin cannot end subscription

Craft 2.x using latest Charge plugin... When ending a subscription using the Charge area of the control panel I'm unable to end the subscription because I get the error: Page Not Found Unable to ...
Clive Portman's user avatar
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Error declaring TLS Version wrong in Charge plugin

I am getting an error notice in the Squarebit Charge plugin saying This server doesn't support TLS 1.2. but when I check with the hosting provider (Arcustech, the best!) they assure me that the server ...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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jQuery Validate with Charge plugin

I'm trying to validate my form before the charge.js is triggered. I've decided to drop submit button in favour of a standard button and then use valid() method to process submit, so this is what I ...
Lukigi's user avatar
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How do I edit a dropdown field in the charge.onCharge hook?

I have an invoice that is sent to stripe to be paid. When the thanks.html is shown, I would like the invoices section's invoicePaid dropdown field to change from "No" to "Yes" using the charge....
herbo's user avatar
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Using the Group filter with Squarebit Charge plugin

Has anyone had success using the Group filter with Squarebit Charge? I tried a few different approaches, in each case getting array errors. Here is code: {% set allCharges = craft.charge.charges....
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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Charge Model "amount" and "userId" not always populated

I'm using the onCharge event to populate a separate purchases table that I can query elsewhere (combining both stripe and my other Paypal payments system). The onCharge event is mostly working, but ...
Natalie's user avatar
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How to hide createAccount select by default • Charge 2 Plugin

I'm adding a basic annual subscription to a portion of a website. I have Registration Behaviour set to Always - creates an account for all guest payments But on the subscription form the ...
Charlie Triplett's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a 3 month membership instead of a subscription using Charge 2 for Craft CMS?

Here is the scenario: I'm trying to create a gift membership subscription for 3 or 6 months of site access that you can send to somebody. Since the most common scenario is that someone else will be ...
Resident Agency's user avatar
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Charge events are firing in live mode but returning as test

I am having a major issue with craft subscription. All data in stripe shows it as live mode and in craft it is showing as test payment. Also the subscription url points to
mariovass's user avatar
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Creating coupon using Charge 2 plugin

I just updated the Charge 2 plugin to latest (version 2.2.1) and when I try to create a new coupon, I get this error: CDbException CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY000]: ...
Resident Agency's user avatar
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With the Charge plugin, can you add an additional one-off fee on subscription?

Is there a way to add an additional one off fee using Charge plugin? Example situation: I need to charge my subscriber $150 USD per month. However, for the first month only, there is an additional $...
ChooeyCraft's user avatar
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Missing required param: card[exp_month] on Charge 2

I created fields using Charge 2 plugin and after creating a form I getting an error Missing required param: card[exp_month]. <div class=""> <div class="grp-form"> <...
ChooeyCraft's user avatar
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Charge plugin: subscription start and end dates not updating for recurring subscription payments

I've been using Charge to handle a subscription service on a client site, and for the most part, it's been working well for the past year. Now that a year has gone by, the first set of recurring ...
Adam Snetman's user avatar
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Using the Charge plugin to store customer credit card info, how to re-validate the credit card when customer submits order

We able to use charge plugin to store customer credit information as "Customers" in Stripe, however, "Customers" information might be saved awhile ago, we would like to re-verify the credit card ...
Angela Chan's user avatar
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Charge: send metadata to Stripe on same template as where it's collected

I'm recording some custom data in Charge, but my client wants to see it within Stripe's control panel. I see you can set a meta array in craft.charge.setPaymentOptions() which should do the trick. But ...
Frank Harrison's user avatar
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Charge: Update subscription card details

I am attempting to create a form where the user can update their subscription card details (with Stripe Elements). From looking at the Charge plugin's source code, I believe the endpoint I need is ...
Colin Meinke's user avatar
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Charge Plugin v2.2.1: Variable subscription amounts

What's the best way to accomplish a variable subscription amount with the Charge plugin? I.e. the Stripe payment amount needs to change from month to month. As an example, say a subscription is £0.99 ...
Gaz's user avatar
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Charge 2 - Stripe form fields not showing

I just had a fresh install of Charge 2 and my Craft version is Craft CMS 2.6.2989. However as long as I have {{craft.charge.setPaymentOptions()}} in my template, all my form fields disappear and show ...
Leon Zhang's user avatar
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Populating a Custom Field via a Plan Choice in Charge?

We are using Charge and have two custom fields we want to populate when a charge is successful. One works and one doesn't. We can get it to populate a "pageTitle" field which is pretty standard as a ...
Matt Wilcox's user avatar
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Charge 2 form that has multiple one of plan amounts?

I have been trying to set up a Charge 2 payment form and have it all working except for giving the user 3 different plan amounts at the end of the form. For example, I need to offer the following in ...
conormcafee's user avatar
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Webhook Error with Charge plugin

Stripe is throwing a server error when trying to access a webhook to the Charge plugin. Some investigation revealed the error is triggered by an 'invalid or missing CSRF token.
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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Using Charge plugin with Stripe Connect

Has anyone set up the Charge plugin with Stripe Connect? I've followed the docs and things look good in the Craft back-end but the payments don't look to be routed to the correct Stripe accounts on ...
Kevin Horan's user avatar
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SquareBit Charge Plugin: How to retrieve error messages from failed ajax call?

This is a continuation of How could I submit the Charge plugin using Ajax? I'm using the Charge plugin to handle my Stripe payments. I'm having to use ajax to submit the charge form before submitting ...
Jacob Carpenter's user avatar
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Collecting total charge value where custom field is X

I'm using Charge to collect donations toward individual projects for a charity. On the frontend, I want to display how much has been raised for an individual project. To get a list of charges for a ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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How could I submit the Charge plugin using Ajax?

I am using the Charge plugin to handle my Stripe payments. How could I submit this form via Ajax Post and get the response? I have tried using the following code but it tells me it's a bad request: ...
Jai Sandhu's user avatar
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Charge plugin: custom actions on webhooks

I'm trying to integrate Charge with Craft Commerce. Basically I need to a) use Stripe to set up subscription for the amount based on what's in the cart (this seems to be possible out-of-the-box) b)...
Yuri Salimovskiy's user avatar
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Change currency in Craft CMS using the Charge plugin

Okay so I have Charge setup with Stripe. I have entered in the connection details and selected the currency to pounds in the Stripe credentials in the plugin settings. However when I view the charges ...
Levi Lucas's user avatar
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Charge/Stripe and "Missing required param: exp_month."

I'm working on getting charge to take donations and have set up my Expiration date field the same as in the demos. <div class="col-6"> <label for="cardExpiry" class="form-label">...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Charge plugin thanks page 404

I keep getting the 404 after successful payment. I am pretty sure I have everything set up correctly, the thanks template is there, but it seems like Craft won't respond to the request, so the ...
aly1339's user avatar
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Assign an e-mail template to recurring payment with dynamic amounts

tl;dr; How do I tell the webhook callback from Stripe to Charge which template to use for e-mailing the donor when a recurring payment is successfully charged when I don't know what planAmount the ...
tofirius's user avatar
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Charge form with conditional validation

Is there a way to create conditional validation on 2 fields related to the same desired input using the Charge plugin? The Reason plugin does not work when defining fields in the CP->Charge->Settings->...
tofirius's user avatar
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Charge object not available on first page load

I have a custom donation form that I'm using that includes some custom Craft fields. Two of those fields are dropdowns which I populated with options from within my Craft admin panel. Since this is a ...
tofirius's user avatar
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Setting Charge Webhook in config file

How do I set the webhook URL for Charge in the config file? I've got my /config/charge.php created.
Sean Delaney's user avatar
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Charge Pro not sending Subscription Emails

So I've actually created a fix for this, but it's a bit complicated. Wanted to share in case anyone else runs into this problem. Working in Craft 2.6.2954 and Charge Pro 2.18 When creating new ...
Natalie's user avatar
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Custom action with Charge

I'm trying to use a custom action with Charge. When a successful charge has been made I want to edit a user field. Charge appears to have Actions but little documentation on how they should be used ( ...
Matt Wilcox's user avatar
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Trial amounts in Charge

So a client is setting up a subscription website. It has an initial payment of $10, and then $0.99 monthly. Has anyone gotten trial amounts to work? I basically need to charge them $10 then set up a ...
Bryan Redeagle's user avatar
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POST param "code" doesn't exist

I'm getting this error on the back-end and have no idea how to solve it. I re-uploaded the APP directory already once to no avail. Any input on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated. [...
Christopher Healey's user avatar
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Charge plugin not showing errors on payment fail

I am using the Charge plugin. They payment process happens in a modal. If I enter in a bad number from one of the stripe test numbers and submit, when the payment fails the modal goes away and no ...
Rockwell Rice's user avatar
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Create Solspace Calendar Event on Commerce onOrderComplete

I'd like to create a Solspace Calendar Event on Commerce onOrderComplete. I've done this with Charge where on Charge Success an event was created however I know that I did that in a less than ideal ...
Christopher Healey's user avatar
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Installing the Charge plugin breaks plugin page

I am attempting to install the Charge plugin on a Craft site. When I upload the plugin folder I get an error when opening the plugin page that says that the page cannot be loaded. It works locally. ...
Rockwell Rice's user avatar
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Field name for customer name in Squarebit Charge for Stripe

I am using the Charge plugin and am not able to pass the customer name to Stripe. The form field name I am using is "customerName" and I have successfully done this in the past - it shows up in the ...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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Email Before Membership / Subscription Renews via Charge / Stripe?

I've got a client requesting that their subscribers get an email notification before their membership is renewed (via Stripe / Charge). Having glanced over Stripe's documentation, it doesn't look ...
Nick Benson's user avatar
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Booking system based on Charge 2.0

I am building an event booking system for a restaurant using Charge 2.0. Everything is working great, but having problems implementing a feature that shows how many spots are left. An Event channel ...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the default text for a Charge plugin checkout button

I'm trying to set up a simple subscription based site using the Awesome Charge plugin and am wondering if I can change the button text using Stripe Checkout. There doesn't seem to be any ...
since1976's user avatar
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Unable to set planAmount for Charge 2 - Stripe

I keep getting an error response for my test field for Charge. I've pretty closely followed the example just for testing and can't seem to get a successful charge. I've tried setting a hidden field ...
Jarryd's user avatar
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Charge plugin redirecting to page with "1" on it

I've been trying to figure this out for a couple days now and haven't been able to. I'm using the Squarebit Charge plugin to accept donations on a website. I have everything working fine on my local ...
anguiac7's user avatar
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Is it possible to update a Twig variable based on user interaction without page refresh?

I'm currently trying to use the excellent "Charge" plugin to set up a simple Stripe checkout form for charity donations. The basic example provided in the docs works nicely. <form method="post">...
André Goldstein's user avatar
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Conditional being ignored?

I have subscriptions setup with Charge and Member Groups setup for reach subscription. The handle and name of both the subscriptions as well as the related member groups is identical. Some of them ...
Christopher Healey's user avatar
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Using the Charge plugin for membership subscriptions

A project I'm working on requires that publicly registered users pay a fee upon registration, and when payment is successful an Entry belonging to them should automatically be created. I have ...
Matt Wilcox's user avatar
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