I just tried to update Craft to 3.1.1 from within the CP. The install failed and I got an Internal Server 500 error. I now can't load either the front or backend of the site, I get a 500 error in both cases. The phperror log shows these errors:
[18-Jan-2019 06:03:54 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14680096 bytes) in /home/vps/proto.site.com/craft/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php on line 300
[18-Jan-2019 06:03:54 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught yii\base\InvalidRouteException: Unable to resolve the request "templates/render-error". in /home/vps/proto.ibiscycles.com/craft/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php:537
Stack trace:
#0 /home/vps/proto.site.com/craft/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(284): yii\base\Module->runAction('templates/rende...', Array)
#1 /home/vps/proto.site.com/craft/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/web/ErrorHandler.php(108): craft\web\Application->runAction('templates/rende...')
#2 /home/vps/proto.site.com/craft/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/ErrorHandler.php(132): yii\web\ErrorHandler->renderException(Object(yii\base\ErrorException))
#3 /home/vps/proto.site.com/craft/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/ErrorHandler.php(262): craft\web\ErrorHandler->renderException(Object(yii\base\ErrorException))
#4 [internal function]: yii\base\ErrorHandler->handleFatalError()
#5 {main}
thrown in /home/vps/proto.site.com/craft/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php on line 537
I have successfully updated Craft via the CP over the last couple of months, this is the first time it's failed. I also updated the php.ini memory_limit to 512M (from 256M) and the max_execution_time to 300 (from 30) after the update failed but I still can't view either the front end or CP.
I'm in the middle of migrating a site from Expression Engine to Craft, this is kind of worrying! I've never see a complete failure like this without any indication of what the problem is.
Thanks for any help.