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8 votes

unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 60695 bytes

Adding a "^" to the craftcms version in the composer.json file and then running composer update, did the trick for me. for example: "craftcms/cms": "^3.1.22", I also cleared the cache folder in /...
José Veríssimo's user avatar
7 votes

Locked out of my Account, how to get back in?

This is not actually my answer since it's from Andrew Welch on Twitter here: If you have access to MySQL, you can change the admin ...
John Morton's user avatar
4 votes

No Add New Entry button

There is a Quick Post widget that allows you to create entries from the Dashboard page of the Control Panel. A New Entry button is available from the entries index pages located at the top right, e.g....
carlcs's user avatar
  • 36.3k
4 votes

An unknown error occurred all the time

I too just had this problem - upon any action in the control panel flashed "An unknown error occurred". What I found in my craft web.log was: "ErrorException: ignore_user_abort() has been disabled ...
Will's user avatar
  • 91
4 votes

An error occurred when rendering a template

You can receive this error if you have uploaded a Craft website and your craft/storage/runtime/cache and craft/storage/runtime/complied_templates folders are not writable. We made these folders ...
Shodan's user avatar
  • 61
4 votes

Best way to find a deprecation error with no location hint?

If you look in the list of file paths in the stack trace there will be one or more files in the storage/runtime/compiled_templates directory. In this particular case there is storage/runtime/...
Mike Pepper's user avatar
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4 votes

“Request missing required body param” error when creating entry on front end

This was an unintentional breaking change. See Update: Fixed in 3.2.9, which is now (2019-08-06) available
Andrea DeMers's user avatar
4 votes

Feed me plugin, cURL error 60

I would try adding the following to your feed-me.php config file: <?php return [ '*' => [ 'clientOptions' => [ 'verify' => false, ], ], ]; c.f. https:/...
Jalen Davenport's user avatar
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4 votes

Basic 404 setup not working

If devMode is on, you will always see the above exception page. Turn it off to see your 404 page, or just navigate directly to the template, e.g. More here: https://nystudio107....
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
3 votes

Security test generated large compiled_templates directory, site outage

I don't have specific answers to your questions, but that's mainly because I feel there are some clarifications and observations that I think might be more helpful. The thread you linked to is ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
  • 67.6k
3 votes

See 404 error cause by some weird URI in index.php

These are very likely bots that are scanning the website for various things (I see it for WordPress logins a ton). Two things you can do: Redirect them. This is what I do for WordPress bots Install ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
3 votes

403 Forbidden Assets

This article will help you set permissions properly for Craft CMS installs: Hardening Craft CMS Permissions It leverages Craft-Scripts to do the heavy lifting.
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
3 votes

A&M forms on submit internal server error

If you want to upload assets with your form, you will need to include enctype="multipart/form-data" in your form tag: <form method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" ...
Wolfram Gehring's user avatar
3 votes

Getting HTTP 500 error at end of update process when going from Craft 2 to Craft 3 with MAMP

Try switching MAMP out of Fast CGI mode. Go to the PHP Tab and select "Identical PHP Version for all hosts (Module mode)". Restart the servers and then. Then run the update. You can normally switch ...
foamcow's user avatar
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3 votes

“Request missing required body param” error when creating entry on front end

Added an empty entryId-field to the form which apparently solves my problem. <input type="hidden" name="entryId" value="">
Marcus Scheller's user avatar
3 votes

Error on functions in queue: “Session does not exist in a console request.”

Ok so with these the trick is to look for anything that might involve a request session, which is not available when you're running things via a console request. In this case there's at least one ...
Jeremy Daalder's user avatar
3 votes

After transferring local to server, Twig Runtime Error: Impossible to invoke a method all() on an array

You can't call .all() twice. In myEntryQuery you have converted the result into an array, you are then trying to call .all() again, but at this point you have an array, so .all() can't be used as it's ...
James White's user avatar
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3 votes

Upgrade from craft 2 fails due to read-only mode

The goal is to eventually upgrade to Craft 4.x, but I thought it would be easier to first update to Craft 3.x Not just easier; upgrading to the latest 3.x release is a prerequisite for upgrading to ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
3 votes

Can't Update CraftCMS

In Craft 3 and upwards you should have a vendor folder that is created and updated with composer. You would do the update locally (I recommend docker and ddev), which will update composer.json, ...
Max Strebel's user avatar
3 votes

All sections & plugins gone after local reinstall - help!

Solved it by manually removing the references to it in the yaml file! I then had to apply the yaml changes in the dashboard a few times over before the sections came back. Adjusted the craft cms plan ...
George Bleasdale's user avatar
2 votes

The Tag ‘name’ property has been deprecated. Use ‘title’ instead

As mentioned in the comments by Brad, this is a bug and has been fixed in the next release.
rjdvsk's user avatar
  • 105
2 votes

`Invalid argument supplied for foreach()` error

Looking at the code where your errors is occurring (line 46 of craft/app/fieldtypes/BaseOptionsFieldType.php), it looks like you have either a Checkboxes or Multi-Select field whose options setting is ...
Brandon Kelly's user avatar
2 votes

What does the error "Use of undefined constant CRAFT_BUILD - assumed 'CRAFT_BUILD'?" mean?

Had a plugin installed which had been using CRAFT_BUILD and as its been deprecated it was throwing the error, problem was could access admin to update plugin. Manually, entered CRAFT_BUILD and other ...
Harry Mee's user avatar
2 votes

Cant Find Template Error

To followup and close. It was a 'typo' or rewrite of the include path for this issue. Forms work fine now.
user6676's user avatar
2 votes

HTTP ERROR 500 after move to live

Howard, craft itself doesn't break like that, in my experience. set devMode true in config/general.php try the url again, then look at the logs for craft and php, in craft/storage/runtime/logs if you ...
narration_sd's user avatar
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2 votes

Internal Server error during install

In case it helps someone, my issue was the permissions for the root index.php file...It was 666 (writeable by group) and when I switched that file permissions to 644, the installation was able to move ...
glenn's user avatar
  • 61
2 votes

Calling plugin controller externally fails with 500 error

It turned out that the problem was not in the Controllerbut inthe Service it was calling. There I load external data, and save any updates. The problem was when I was trying to save entries with the ...
KSP's user avatar
  • 849
2 votes

Calling plugin controller externally fails with 500 error

So my question is – is there anything special to be aware of when calling plugins from the outside? Not particularly. They're both hitting the same controller endpoint in your plugin, but there are ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
  • 67.6k
2 votes

Asset upload fails with progress bar at full, but images in tempuploads folder

My own fault – I had set a subpath in the field type, so it tried to save to a folder that didn't exist. I had first thought it was here the asset path was set, and when I figured out I needed asset ...
KSP's user avatar
  • 849
2 votes

HTTP ERROR 500 after move to live

Solution: I'm still having trouble getting help from my host, but after trying a clean install of Craft at public_html and getting the same error, I went elsewhere and it worked flawlessly. Thanks for ...
Howard Theriot's user avatar

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