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4 votes

Editorial workflow / custom status

Douglas has posted a great suggestion about creating an additional custom field for "Status". But I think it's also worth mentioning Josh Crawford's great free plugin called Workflow which takes Craft'...
Simon East's user avatar
4 votes

Redactor image caption not saved and formatting lost

I copied your Redactor settings to a clean installation of Craft (2.6.2945) and added an image to a Rich Text field set to use those specific settings. Initially I encountered the same behaviour. ...
Stephen Hamilton's user avatar
3 votes

How to insert widgets in Rich Text field

Have you considered using the Matrix field type? You could create a block for rich text, then a block for a contact form (or whatever widget). You could probably achieve what you're asking with a ...
dmatthams's user avatar
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3 votes

How to include twig in the editor? e.g. Shortcodes for dynamic content

The typical 'Craft' way of doing this would be via a Matrix field instead of a single text block field, so that editors can sandwich the dynamic content (which would be its own block type) in between ...
James Smith's user avatar
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3 votes

Visual editor for Craft 3

If you are looking for "drag and drop" I would use matrix blocks. You can define text block, image block, video block, etc that would be available in Elementor. Maybe you don't get as much out of the ...
Clark Nelson's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to bulk-edit a field across multiple entries at once?

This plugin does it for Craft 3:
David Guillemin's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to bulk-edit a field across multiple entries at once?

This has been requested in the Craft feedback forum (vote for it if you like, here and here). But as of Jan 2017, there is no functionality for this in a default Craft install. The closest thing I've ...
Simon East's user avatar
2 votes

Visual editor for Craft 3

Yes, you will have to define the elements that the client will manage for a page. If you watch the video in landing page you can see how that would look like. The elements on the left ...
Rosana Ruiz's user avatar
2 votes

How to include twig in the editor? e.g. Shortcodes for dynamic content

There's also the Shortcodes plugin
andrew.welch's user avatar
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2 votes

I want to get the HTML/text contents of the Redactor editor

I'm not 100% sure I follow, but I think this is what you are looking for. In your javascript file, you'll want code.set API Reference ... $('#yourTextArea').redactor('code.set',;
Damon's user avatar
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2 votes

Allow editors to create pages (singles)

Just make a channel for your generic pages, and set the route to {slug}, that way your editors can create, delete, edit and disable any generic template pages without needing to touch the more ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to add custom aspect ratios in the image editor?

This will be possible using a new imageEditorRatios config setting that is coming in Craft 3.5 (due to release in early August 2020): ... 'imageEditorRatios' => [ 'Unconstrained' => 'none', ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
2 votes

Image Editor: Remove "focal point" and "custom"

Not sure if there is a way to limit the available options, but I would argue that you don't need to. If your frontend layout requires images to be cropped to specific aspect ratios, I would enforce ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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1 vote

How to set settings of plugin Redactor

The question I read aloud was a bit hard to follow, but I believe I understand what you are trying to convey. You will need to go to the Control Panel and navigate to Settings. Once there, click on ...
JBrew30's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any alternative for the Redactor plugin in Craft 3?

Rakhi, based on your comment on the question, you're missing the video and imagemanager in the plugins array. Example: "plugins": [ "alignment", "fontcolor", "video", "imagemanager", ...
Tad Ward's user avatar
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1 vote

Allow editors to create pages (singles)

To let users create template without touching settings. On the top of my mind, you can try a "matrix" field with multiple "block type". And using "channel" section to replace "single" section.
Parry Huang's user avatar
1 vote

How to remove hidden HTML from Radactor editor in CrafCMS 3

If it's only for you, you can activate/use the source plugin to switch the view. That way no html is generated when you paste something Maybe this option can help you too. There is also a paste ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
1 vote

How Customizable is the Craft Admin Interface?

Another solution to this would be to accomplish what you want to accomplish via a custom plugin, or via a custom frontend entry form, in which you'd control the exact experience that the content ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
1 vote

How Customizable is the Craft Admin Interface?

There are some ways to customize the Craft Control Panel interface, but probably not to the extent that you are looking for. The native way to do this would be through the use of the not-at-all ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

Live Preview Not Updating - No errors found

May be because Craft CMS uses gulp for compiling the SASS and js and minimizes it ultimately. So you need too follow some steps, 1). Install gulp locally or globally(recomended), sudo apt-get ...
Shahrukh Anwar's user avatar
1 vote

Live Preview Button missing

Had the same issue. However, I had valid URLs and templates, as I used the same setup for other news sections on the site. I resorted to creating a new section for the entries with the same details ...
Ash Bryant's user avatar

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