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12 votes

Craft 3 Redactor Link no longer has target option

Add the linkNewTab config option to the Redactor config you're using: So, that would become something like: { "buttons": [...], "plugins": [...], "linkNewTab": true }
Paul's user avatar
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11 votes

Craft 3 RC Upgrade killed the WYSIWYG Editor

With RC1 the rich text editor was moved to a plugin. You can find the Redactor editor (the previous richtext field) in the plugin store along with a new CKEditor editor as well. You can read about ...
Tim Knight's user avatar
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7 votes

HTML/View Source button not working/showing in WYSIWYG Craft 2.5 / Redactor II 1.1.0

You need to add "html" in the buttons array, and not "source" in the plugins array.
Andrew Terry Loveday's user avatar
5 votes

Redactor Images Button Missing

not sure if it matters but in my config I have buttons in quotes "buttons": ["format","bold","italic","underline","lists","link","file","image","horizontalrule"],
Phil's user avatar
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5 votes

Redactor II image resizing?

Quoting Brad Bell in a recent thread: If you're on Craft 2.6.2950 or greater, it includes Redactor II 1.3.1, where they re-introduced image resizing and positioning support. You'll just need ...
Nutmeg's user avatar
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4 votes

Redactor II image resizing?

You can use this superb plugin: RetconHTML Ever have a client put 4 MB PNG files in their Redactor fields, failing to apply any of your meticulously crafted image transforms? Writers consistently ...
Johannes Lamers's user avatar
4 votes

Adding a cite tag within the blockquote tag using redactor's WYSIWYG?

You can use the Redactor Inline Styles add-on then use the following in your Redactor json config: "plugins": ["source","fullscreen","inlinestyles"], "buttonsAddAfter": "italic", "buttonsAdd":...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add the option for a link to select a target, e.g. open link in new window? [CKEDITOR Plugin]

Don't include EditorClass.create in the JavaScript config. Creating the CKEditor instance is handled by the Craft plugin. The JavaScript code in the configuration should just return an object with ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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3 votes

Which WYSIWYG editor to choose?

Redactor sucks. There are numerous issues and bugs with it, the settings don't make sense and contradict each other, and pasting doesn't work correctly. A lot of times, it produces broken output – for ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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3 votes

Max character limit on WYSIWYG text editor plugin?

It works for me, just changing the config file: { "buttons": ["html", "bold", "italic"], "plugins": ["fullscreen", "**limiter**&...
Matthias's user avatar
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3 votes

Craft 3 RC Upgrade killed the WYSIWYG Editor

Go into the Plugins Sections. and install the plugin with the name Redactor And everything will be back to normal.
Paras Javed's user avatar
2 votes

Customising the new CKEditor5 in Craft 3

I don't think so. You can see the entire code here ClassicEditor .create(document.getElementById('{$nsId}')) .then(function(editor) { $(editor.element).closest('form').on('submit', ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
2 votes

Max character limit on WYSIWYG text editor plugin?

Imperavi, creators of Redactor provide the Limiter plugin to add this functionality but you would need to create a Craft plugin to add the JS, as detailed in this answer.
Seth Warburton's user avatar
2 votes

Disable WYSIWYG?

Redactor applies all kinds of 'improvements' to your HTML on save. You might be able to prevent this behaviour by altering the config. If you want to use a plain text field for html, your only ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 votes

How to link to an entry in a Markdown field in the CMS

I just figured out how to do this. It was vexing me! Anyway, Craft is awesome and has provided support for Reference Tags. Write your Markdown like this: [link text]({entry:20}) Here's the Twig: {...
plaintxt's user avatar
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2 votes

Add Anchor in WYSIWYG editor

There is a purify and a Clean-up option on a WYSIWYG field. Clean up HTML? – Whether Craft should run through some HTML cleanup routines when the field is saved, including removing all tags, empty ...
Jan_dh's user avatar
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1 vote

Adding a cite tag within the blockquote tag using redactor's WYSIWYG?

Craft uses Redactor as its rich text editor - Redactor has numerous configuration options, one of which is direct html editing. One option would be to create a new Redactor configuration that includes ...
Sam LeBlanc's user avatar
1 vote

Redactor Images Button Missing

You have to add this setting: imageUpload: true Example: $('.editor').redactor({ s3: 's3upload.php', fileUpload: true, imageUpload: true, buttons: ['format', '...
Mirko's user avatar
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