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6 votes

Parse a line of Markdown, without <p>

If you're here looking for a Craft 3 answer, the Wordsmith plugin offers the same ability to only parse inline and not include paragraph tags: {{ entry.title|markdown(inlineOnly=true) }}
Matt Stein's user avatar
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4 votes

Adding a cite tag within the blockquote tag using redactor's WYSIWYG?

You can use the Redactor Inline Styles add-on then use the following in your Redactor json config: "plugins": ["source","fullscreen","inlinestyles"], "buttonsAddAfter": "italic", "buttonsAdd":...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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2 votes

Change markup depending on category of an entry

You're currently fetching an array of categories even if there's only one it, I think. You either need to loop through the array or try replacing this: {% set categories = craft.categories.relatedTo(...
Clive Portman's user avatar
1 vote

Adding a cite tag within the blockquote tag using redactor's WYSIWYG?

Craft uses Redactor as its rich text editor - Redactor has numerous configuration options, one of which is direct html editing. One option would be to create a new Redactor configuration that includes ...
Sam LeBlanc's user avatar

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