I'm going on 5 days of banging my head on my desk here.
I'm simply not getting how to install it on my production server. I have Craft working beautifully locally...but getting it to my server is a whole other matter.
So I have ssh'd into my VPS, then run 'wget 'https://craftcms.com/latest-v3.zip'' and unzipped it to try and get it running as just a barebones install. So now I'm going through the install instructions, and am running into an error when running the './craft setup/security-key' step:
PHP Warning: Module 'Phar' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Craft requires PHP 7.0 or later.
I created a phpinfo file and it's returning PHP Version 7.0.30.
Any ideas why I'm getting this error?
Thanks in advance.