I am new to Craft CMS. Please tell me about how can I save data into database in Craft?
I have searched a lot of results about my query but nothing give advantage to me.
Thanks in advance.
I suggest you to read about the Yii Query Builder
->insert('mytablename', array(
'field1' => 'foo',
'field2' => 'bar'
Or you can use Active Records in Craft
$record = new Record();
$record->field1 = 'foo';
$record->field2 = 'bar';
Or you can use Craft Elements (entries/categories/tags)
$entry = new EntryModel();
$attributes = [
'section' => $yourSectionId,
'entryType' => $yourEntryTypeId,
'field1' => 'foo',
'field2' => 'bar'
there should be execute() fn at the last to execute the sql query
->insert('mytablename', array(
'field1' => 'foo',
'field2' => 'bar'