I am trying to check the value of a checkbox as part of my checkout process. I have the following function at the moment.
public function init()
craft()->on('commerce_orders.onBeforeOrderComplete', function (Event $event) {
$order = $event->params['order'];
echo '<pre>';
if ($order->signupForNewsletter == 'joinMailingList') {
echo "I've opted in";
} else {
echo 'Not matched';
echo '</pre>';
But whether the checkbox is ticked or not I am only get the 'Not matched' statement, so my if statement is always false. I have tried several things, but cannot see how to resolve this. I think perhaps because the signupForNewsletter is a checkbox in the custom order fields, so it is an array rather than an object.
Here is the print_r results of this code;
Craft\MultiOptionsFieldData Object
[_options:Craft\MultiOptionsFieldData:private] => Array
[0] => Craft\OptionData Object
[label] => Join Mailing List
[value] => joinMailingList
[selected] => 1
[storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array
Not matched
The checkbox was ticked in this instance as you can see in the value field.