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5 votes

Questions about Craft 4 release and licenses

1) Is there anything to say about a release date for Craft 4? And about around what time Pixel and Tonic consider it a stable release to be used in production? Nothing official on either. 2) What ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
  • 67.6k
5 votes

SEOMATIC v1.1.45 install

To update plugins like SeoMatic, just download the latest (either clicking on the direct download link from the /admin/updates/ page in your admin area or from github). Then you just then need to ...
alexr's user avatar
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5 votes

Craft 4: How to programmatically attach fields to entry type tab

I just ran into this myself. You can use getElements and setElements instead. This is for a category though: use craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField; public function safeUp(): bool { ...
twined's user avatar
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4 votes

Craft 3 redirect of existing and non-existing URLs

Based on your comments, I'd recommend creating a new entry type in your section. Create a "Redirect" entry type which only contains a URL link (or an Entry field) so the page knows how to handle the ...
Lindsey D's user avatar
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4 votes

Error while trying to upgrade to Craft 3

You can add: 'aliases' => [ 'siteUrl' => '', ], To your config/general.php or use: 'aliases' => [ 'siteUrl' => getenv('DEFAULT_SITE_URL'), ], And define ...
Oli's user avatar
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4 votes

Broken site after upgrade via composer from craft 3.37.38

For vlucas/phpdotenv for 3.4.0, this index.php template should work: <?php /** * Craft web bootstrap file */ // Set path constants define('CRAFT_BASE_PATH', dirname(__DIR__)); define('...
James White's user avatar
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4 votes

PHP version problem when upgrading to Craft CMS 4

The package embed/embed isn't the problem – the newest version supports both PHP 7.4 and 8+. The problem is that you have two plugins that require different versions of that package: newism/craft3-...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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3 votes

Are mutex locks used in core Craft?

General rule of thumb is that if you're serving traffic on more than one craft container, the local mutex system isn't going to work for you, since the containers won't be able to share mutex. Your ...
Joe Forshaw's user avatar
3 votes

How to manage breakpoint releases when updating Craft via composer

So far, Craft 3 hasn’t had any “real” breakpoint releases in the way that Craft 1 and 2 had, yet – where you would have a real issue if you were to update past them before updating to them. Craft 1 ...
Brandon Kelly's user avatar
3 votes

Upgrade from craft 2 fails due to read-only mode

The goal is to eventually upgrade to Craft 4.x, but I thought it would be easier to first update to Craft 3.x Not just easier; upgrading to the latest 3.x release is a prerequisite for upgrading to ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
3 votes

Upgrading Craft 3 to 4, deprecation warnings

Apparently I just didn't Clear All on the deprecations page. I assumed when I refreshed the page, it would also refresh the deprecations list. I was wrong, it seems you need to Clear All on the ...
cbad's user avatar
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3 votes

Upgrading from 3.49 to Craft 4, Incrementally

Yes, you can update to any version you want through Composer. Either manually edit the version of craftcms/cms in your composer.json, then run composer update, or use composer require to set the ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't upgrade to v4.x after migrating from nitro to ddev – db connection weirdness

There was no weirdness going on (Thanks CraftQuest in the comments), just my lack of fluency in the command line and newbie status with DDEV leading me to think the problem was somehow to do with ...
Jonathan Schofield's user avatar
3 votes

DDEV and Craft project structure problem

You already know using a non-standard folder structure is going to cause pain, but here we. If the site is working, but the ddev craft command is not, let's override the command. Add a new file: ....
tyler36's user avatar
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3 votes

DDEV and Craft project structure problem

Change the working_dir for the web container: ddev config --web-working-dir=/var/www/html/craft Or manually edit .ddev/config.yaml: type: craftcms docroot: public ... working_dir: web: /var/www/...
stasadev's user avatar
2 votes

Upgrade to 3.0.0 RC1 failed due to 504 Gateway Time-out

Updated using composer update craftcms/cms
Daimz's user avatar
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2 votes

SEOMATIC v1.1.45 install

Craft is going to have a better update system in a version 3. With Seomatic you can also be able to update via composer. As far as I know.
curious's user avatar
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2 votes

Issue upgrading Craft 2 to 3

Those aren't so much errors as deprecation messages, meaning you should fix them sometime before Craft 4 comes out where they'll be going away and become real errors for you. :) To which I assumed ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Upgrading from v2 to v3 results in internal server errors

After doing some more digging in storage/logs, it turns out that the permissions were incorrect on the "cpresources" director. Once I fixed those, the upgrade progressed as normal.
Jason Morehead's user avatar
2 votes

Upgrading Craft 2 to Craft 3 Yii Issues

The issue appears here $isConsoleRequest = Craft::$app->getRequest()->getIsConsoleRequest(); if (!$isConsoleRequest && !Craft::$app->getUser()->enableSession) { return null; } ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
2 votes

Upgrading Craft CMS fails

You can't create an new yii\web\Request instance in general.php because Craft isn't fully initialized yet. It worked in previous versions but the Craft team seem to have changed the loading order. You ...
nstCactus's user avatar
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2 votes

Questions about Craft 4 release and licenses

Craft 4 will be released in Q1 2022 with a stable release coming in Q2.
Augustine Calvino's user avatar
2 votes

Upgrading to 3.6 Impossible With PHP 8 Installed

So probably the best thing you can be doing is doing your updates locally, testing them, and then pushing them to the production environment. You can read more about it in the Updating Craft CMS ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
2 votes

After upgrading via composer and moving to another server, Craft stopped working. dotenv error

Sounds like the way you are loading Dotenv in your index.php may be out of sync with the version of Dotenv being used, through various versions the way you initalise Dotenv has changed. Have a look at ...
James White's user avatar
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2 votes

Upgrading to Craft 4 dosen’t seem to work

Have your composer.json and composer.lock files been updated with the new versions for Craft and all your plugins/dependencies? You should be able to tell by looking at the version of Craft that's ...
Martin Spain's user avatar
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2 votes

Craft CMS and Craft console

Your Craft CMS account and the Craft Console account are completely separate. They don't need to share the same e-mail address. Your CMS account is only stored in your local Craft installation, it's ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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2 votes

Upgrade to 5.x failed

You'll have to change your dependency on craftcms/generator in your composer.json file to this (it's likely in the require-dev section): "craftcms/generator": "^2.0.0" ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
2 votes

Upgrade from 4 to 5 error

This was a bug in Craft CMS 5 and was fixed in release 5.0.3.
Matthias's user avatar
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1 vote

Given a global, how to get a particular language's version of it?

I'd rethink that approach – if your users want to see the site in French, why are they seeing the site in English? And if they're viewing the English site, does it make sense to show an isolated piece ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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1 vote

Upgrading to 3.6 Impossible With PHP 8 Installed

TLDR: How did you install your PHP packages? You get that error if the mysql driver wasn't installed. Longer answer: It looks like you're on Debian (and generally applies to Ubuntu as well) so if you'...
RitterKnight's user avatar
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