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4 votes

Editorial workflow / custom status

Douglas has posted a great suggestion about creating an additional custom field for "Status". But I think it's also worth mentioning Josh Crawford's great free plugin called Workflow which takes Craft'...
Simon East's user avatar
3 votes

Set status 'pending' on Guest Entry form

The "status" on an entry isn't explicitly set like that. It is determined based on other properties of the entry. You will need to set these other criteria for the entry to appear as "pending". An ...
Luke Pearce's user avatar
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2 votes

Cache not invalidating when using pagination with cache

One issue I'm seeing, is that you're currently using craft.request.path as your cache key – however, that property doesn't actually include the pagination segment (i.e. the pageTrigger; p2, p3 or the ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
1 vote

Fetch pending entries with GraphQL

If you want live and pending entries, you would need to pass status to your query with the values you want (docs). query yourQuery { entries(section: "yourSectionHandle", status: ["...
Oli's user avatar
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1 vote

live and pending entries together not working

Use status(['live','pending']) to get all entries with both states. Later, to get the linked entry you need to setup a custom route like `podcasts/{slug}. In the template you query the entry like ...
Oliver Stark's user avatar
1 vote

How do I find live and pending entries when using an array?

For Craft CMS 3: {% set allEntries = craft.entries.status('pending, live').section('sectionName').relatedTo(category).find() %}
SoHo's user avatar
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