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14 votes

How to retrieve Site Url and Site Name in Plugin

In Craft 3 you can do this: use craft\helpers\UrlHelper; UrlHelper::siteUrl(); Craft::$app->sites->currentSite->name;
Simon Kuran's user avatar
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5 votes

Use global values in the Entry URL Format field

Your CraftCMS global can be accessed using the code {{craft.globals.getSetByHandle('siteDefaults').artworksList.first.uri|default}}/{slug} I believe the issue is that the Entry URL field requires ...
Regan Lawton's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a way to eager-load fields in a global set?

I know you can use this method to eager load fields on injected entry/category variables, so I'm assuming it would work for global sets as well: {% do ...
Jalen Davenport's user avatar
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4 votes

Order PDF in back-end error with Globals

Since the templates are rendered on the server and not in a regular http request (in the front end templates), the globals are not loaded automatically, into the global twig namespace. You can still ...
Luke Holder's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I get the siteName in a module (Craft 3)

When searching the Craft 3.5.x docs for siteName, I see references to Global Variables and General Config Settings. Screenshot: However, AFAICT, it works ...
Andrea DeMers's user avatar
4 votes

Get global variable value PHP

From your example, the Global handle is globalWebsite and the field handle is freeTrialPeriodDays. So this should work in PHP: $trialDays = \Craft::$app->getGlobals()->getSetByHandle('...
Steve Rowling's user avatar
3 votes

Get globals from other sites

The function is public function getSetByHandle(string $globalSetHandle, int $siteId = null) Thus you can grab all the siteIds you want and loop through them {% for siteId in sites %} {% set ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
3 votes

Trying to set an image URL using a global asset field

I don't know if it's the cause of the error you're receiving or not, but this is incorrect Twig syntax: {% set image = '{{ websitePreferences.placeholderImage.first.url }}' %} You'll never need to ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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3 votes

Use Globals in email templates

They aren't loaded into the twig template global scope but you can access them with:
Luke Holder's user avatar
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3 votes

Global Image Variables?

This is a general structure to display global images in any template: <img src="{{ }}" alt=""> You have to set your global handle ...
Alexis Dalai Waldo Jiménez's user avatar
3 votes

Is There a Way to Add Tabs in Global Fields?

As far as my knowledge goes there is not a way to do this without some though changes. Wouldn't it just be better to add another global and just name it settings? Something like: globalSettings(...
Justin Dekkers's user avatar
3 votes

Use Craft globals for CSS styles

It’s possible to do this by making the entire CSS file a Twig template. Create a new file in your templates folder, such as templates/css/styles.css, with all the dynamic styles you want. To prevent ...
Brandon Kelly's user avatar
2 votes

Is it Possible to Use Live Preview with Global Settings

Anything's possible, but not without hacking core files, which isn't recommended. By default, global settings don't even have the concept of a "template", which is a fundamental part of getting a ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Create an Array in Twig and loop through fields in global set

Seems like a great use case for a Twig macro. Completely untested, but something like this: {% macro social(object, type) %} {% set value = attribute(object, type) %} {% if value | length %...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Access global field content

I do not see anything obviously wrong with your code, but something that has caught me out many times is a misspelling of field names, so be sure your twig code matches your field names exactly. One ...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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Saving fields to a GlobalSet

Something like this should work: // Generate name and handle. $globalSetName = "My Global Set"; $globalSetHandle = lcfirst(str_replace(" ","", ucwords($globalSetName))); // Create a global set $...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Defining TwigExtension globals in Craft 3

There are two ways to achieve this: Option 1 Add this in your plugin/module main init function: $twig = Craft::$app->view->getTwig(null, ['safe_mode' => false]); $twig->...
Mark Notton's user avatar
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How to edit a global footer link

Look under Globals in the Control Panel, which is the likely place for such links. If you do not see it, either you do not have permissions OR there are no Globals. Assuming you do not see them, Robin'...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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2 votes

Getting image url from globals asset field

Thanks to Andrew Fairlie for pointing out I need to make sure Assets in this volume have public URLs set
user2569's user avatar
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Comparing date field object with global variable "now" gives unexpected result

now represents the current DateTime so unless you specify exactly the correct time in your field the condition deliveryDate == now will never become true. If the user visits the page one second ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
2 votes

Updating global set from controller

Oli’s comment is mostly right, but I think the solution is event simpler—the method you discovered is specifically for saving the GlobalSet settings/definition (like its name, handle, and the fields ...
August Miller's user avatar
2 votes

What is appropriate for a Global field in terms of site speed?

I agree with Jamie's answer re: how to build out a site's IA. As for performance, each additional global set adds queries to every page that is loaded. It's pretty unlikely that there will be a huge ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
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What is appropriate for a Global field in terms of site speed?

I can't speak on the speed impact of having lots of content in the Globals, but the use cases you have described don't really seem suitable for Globals. I would instead recommend creating Sections ...
Jamie Wade's user avatar
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Show a list of pages but hide the current page from the list

To me it looks like the entries in the section with the handle pages have their own URLs. This means that if you visit a URL that belongs to an entry in that section Craft will automatically make that ...
Johannes's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to eager-load fields in a global set?

Do you mean lazy load or eager load? Usually you lazy load images via JS to speed up site loading but not I'm not sure doing it to one image across multiple pages is all that beneficial? After the ...
RitterKnight's user avatar
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2 votes

Globals disappeared/Queue Failed — Propagating global sets

You're probably experiencing this issue which can result in global sets not being created in some environments. This issue has already been fixed, the fix will be release with the next Craft version (...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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2 votes

Globals disappeared/Queue Failed — Propagating global sets

I think the failed propagation job is the problem here. You can re-run this by creating an executable to push a new propagation job. Duplicate your craft executable and rename it to propagate (or ...
Oli's user avatar
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Querying Globals from a Custom Field Type gives 502 Bad Gateaway

The answer below is mostly taken from Brandon Kelly's answer on Github which I suggest to read for more detailed information: The reason for the endless ...
Roman Sobkuliak's user avatar
2 votes

Looking to simplify this if else. Any tips to make this simpler?

There are a lot of superfluous variables there. You don't need to keep track of whether there are restrictions, all you need to know is whether the current page and station are allowed to show the ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
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1 vote

Best practise to use translate in admin panel

You could try if the Translate plugin for Craft CMS could help you out. You can use this plugin as a base for you own and save the values in a custom table and use the registerTranslateSources hook to ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar

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