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12 votes

How can I print the name of every template being rendered in HTML comments, when in devMode?

So this sounded like a fun problem to solve... so I wrote the Template Comments plugin that does what you want: This free plugin adds a HTML comment to demarcate {% block %}s and each Twig template ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
9 votes

Craft 3: how to show the Yii Debug Toolbar?

There are two checkboxes in your user settings, go to your admin account -> preferences index.php?p=admin/myaccount and check the boxes This is covered in detail in the Profiling your Website with ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
5 votes

Craft 3: how to show the Yii Debug Toolbar?

For anyone finding it annoying having to be authenticated to enable the debug bar, particularly when testing in multiple browsers, it’s easy to override this behaviour with a custom module. Just add ...
Dom Stubbs's user avatar
5 votes

Craft 3: how to show the Yii Debug Toolbar?

Craft 3 If you enabled the debug toolbar in the user profile, but it still does not show on the frontend, AND you are running Craft not locally but on a different host (different IP), try adding this ...
Udo's user avatar
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4 votes

Debugging with dump()/dd() within Twig templates

This bothered me too until I switched to PHPStorm and started using this: If that's not an option and you fancy extending Twig, you can use php's ...
James Smith's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to display the debug bar while NOT logged in?

I don't think there is an option in craft to do that, but if you really wanted to do this you can create your module and add this code inside the init function. $request = Craft::$app->getRequest()...
aodihis's user avatar
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3 votes

Assets (images) return a 404 on the front-end

Just had a similar issue with a colleague. Double check your folder permissions. It might be the case that Craft isn’t allowed to write the transformed files to your assets folder. Something like ...
medoingthings's user avatar
3 votes

How to add a custom panel to the debug bar?

I'm not sure this is the proper way to do it but I got this working. I used the Yii\Application::EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST event in my plugin's init() method: <?php namespace my\namespace; use craft\...
nstCactus's user avatar
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3 votes

Discount Code applies to cart successfully but doesn't do anything. Am I missing something?

The reason for the discount not being applied is that nearly all your products have not been marked as promotable (by looking at your database): Screenshot: No sales or ...
Luke Holder's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the template command to print available tokens?

Stick {{ dump(_context) }} in a template file to print out all the available values. {{ dump(_context|keys) }} Outputs the keys of the array without going through it recursively.
ponies's user avatar
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3 votes

Error after downgrading from Pro to Personal

I was only able to answer this because the OP sent a support ticket to and was able to look at their database. :) When the site was setup in Craft Pro trial mode, the content was built out with ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
  • 67.6k
2 votes

What are the minimum permissions to show the Craft debug toolbar?

The debug toolbar is available to Admin users only, see There's no way of customising this, the line of code that enforces it can be seen at https://...
Ben Croker's user avatar
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2 votes

Debugging Craft CMS templates on Visual Studio Code

There are so many Extensions available on visual studio code. You can install for the language snippets, for auto-suggest code, and for checking syntax. If you are looking for the debug page load ...
ZealousWeb's user avatar
2 votes

Error handling in Craft

The usual method for debugging a Craft site is to pull down a copy of the production database content, import it into your local development database and run a local copy of the site's code on your ...
Martin Spain's user avatar
  • 1,624
2 votes

Invalid field uid

I had the same thing it was an old Entry Instructions field that was a Craft 2 plugin. Search for the invalid UID in your /config/project folder - that is where I located mine. It will show up in a ...
Chad Crowell's user avatar
2 votes

evaluateDynamicContent() is disallowed

As the debug toolbar is build-in, you do not have to add it with composer. You can enable the build-in debug toolbar in the upper right corner on your control panel. Click on your user account Tab: ...
user3086053's user avatar
2 votes

Debug Toolbar Not Displaying on frontend

This can happen if the HTML on the site’s front end is malformed. e.g. you have an opening body tag, but you’re missing the closing. View the source on the page and run it through an HTML validator to ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

Debug Toolbar Not Displaying on frontend

Maybe too obvious question, but.. did you check that checkmarks are set correctly for the debug tool in the account settings(My Account -> Preferences)? Also, devMode is off/on on your website?
RomanAvr's user avatar
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1 vote

Debug Toolbar Not Displaying on frontend

clearing caches / Forced browser reload is something that helps me out when it comes down to render changes..
Stef Verniers's user avatar
1 vote

Invalid field uid

The only place that message appears in the Craft CMS codebase is here. So, the most likely cause is that something (Craft itself or a plugin/custom module) is calling the setFieldUid() method on a ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
1 vote

How can I print the name of every template being rendered in HTML comments, when in devMode?

I think the answer is "no". There is no config or existing plugin that adds the debugging information I want.
missmatsuko's user avatar
1 vote

Random Fatal errors header already sent

Solved: this turned out to be a WHM/CPanel bug that was loading imagick module twice. Known fixes were found here:
joomkit's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I debug `craft\web\User::_validateUserAgentAndIp()` warnings

Most likely since it's a production site, it's from bots/scripts hitting the site's login page probing for vulnerabilities. I'd suggest changing the cpTrigger config setting and see if the ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

Yii Toolbar triggering mixed content warning in CP

On a multi-site setup, you need to use the multi-site array syntax for the siteUrl config setting like so: 'siteUrl' => [ 'siteHandle1' => '', 'siteHandle2' => 'https:...
Brad Bell's user avatar
  • 67.6k
1 vote

Assets (images) return a 404 on the front-end

Not a direct answer to your question, but I keep a pretty up to date Nginx config for Craft here: Nginx-Craft that may be useful to you at some point. Glad you got it sorted.
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k

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