I have a structure that looks like this:

  • Experiment ( Level 1)

    • Cages (Level 2)
    • Animals (Level 3)
    • Measurement (Level 4)

I am outputting this information into some inline JSON like so:

{% set mice = craft.entries({
    'section' : 'experiments',
    'level' : 3,
    'descendantOf' : entry.id,
}) %}

  var data = [
    {% for mouse in mice %}
      "Cage": "{{ mouse.parent.title }}",
      "Mouse": "{{ mouse.title }}",
      "measurements": [
        {% for data in mouse.children.order('postDate') %}
          "Date": "{{ data.postDate| date("d-M") }}",
          "Weight(g)": "{{ data.weight }}",
          "Length": "{{ data.length }}",
          "Depth": "{{ data.depth }}",
          "Tumor Volume": {{ data.tumourVolume }}
        }{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    }{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

This is ok until entries start to increase, the TTFB begins to add up significantly - I am wondering if there is a way to eager load this sort of structure? The entries are very dynamic so caching isn't an option.


  • Have you every read this documentation craftcms.com/docs/templating/… or heard about the element api github.com/craftcms/element-api that returns ready to use transformed json? It does not really make sense to re-explain the docs just because you had not read them Commented Feb 13, 2018 at 13:34
  • Hi Robin — thanks for the reply, I have and I tried using the with: 'dependents' but it throws an array error. I looked around for the correct syntax but had no luck. I am using element API already but I thought it would be easier to just eager load the entries if it possible possible first instead of creating an end point. Commented Feb 13, 2018 at 13:43

1 Answer 1


To use eager-loading for the child elements add 'children' to the with parameter.

{% set mice = craft.entries({
    section: 'experiments',
    level: 3,
    descendantOf: entry.id,
    with: ['children', {order: 'postDate asc'}],
}) %}

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