I am trying to add eager loading to a query. The original query was as follows (‘sticky’ is a custom lightswitch field for marking sticky entries):

{% set news = craft.entries.section('news').order('sticky desc, postDate desc').limit(9) %}

Is the following ok syntax for adding eager loading?

{% set news = craft.entries.section('news').order('sticky desc, postDate desc').limit(9).find({
    with: [
        ['newsHighlightImage', {
            withTransforms: ['newsMedium', 'newsSmall']
}) %}

I ask because although the above seems to work, in the examples in the documentation, the find/with bits come right after the section parameter. But if I do it that way, I get an error about not being able to apply the “order” method. I reckon that’s because find() turns the result into an array so “order” is not longer available. But I couldn’t figure out the correct carry syntax to make it work that way. Is there a better way to do this?



1 Answer 1


How about stacking all the element query params into a single object?

{% set entries = craft.entries({
    section: 'news',
    order: 'sticky desc, postDate desc',
    limit: 9,
    with: [
        ['newsHighlightImage', {
            withTransforms: ['newsMedium', 'newsSmall']
}) %}

Also, I don't believe you need to use the find() function here. The examples in the documentation only use find() when eager-loading just the image transforms related to a single asset field.

{% set assets = entry.assetsField.find({
    withTransforms: [
        { width: 100, height: 100 }
}) %}
  • Tried it and it works, thank you. Funny thing is that I was going to say it seems at first that it's exactly like mine but with a different syntax, but dev mode says it run one additional query than mine for some reason…
    – Willhaus
    Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 2:42
  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Eager loading magic? Who knows. Also magnets... how do they work? ;)
    – Alex Roper
    Commented Sep 10, 2019 at 5:26

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