I am attempting to create a form where the user can update their subscription card details (with Stripe Elements).

From looking at the Charge plugin's source code, I believe the endpoint I need is charge/updateSubscription.

As with checkout I am creating an opts hidden input in my twig template like so:

    planAmount: currentSubscription.planAmount,
    planInterval: currentSubscription.planInterval,
    planIntervalCount: currentSubscription.planIntervalCount

And then making a POST request with Javascript to the endpoint:

getStripeToken(cardToken => {
    params: {
      action: 'charge/updateSubscription',
    then: response => console.log(response)
    url: '/'

Quite simply, this doesn't work. I receive a {success: true} response, but the Stripe card has not been updated.

Does anybody what I'm doing wrong, or even if this is possible?

1 Answer 1


In the end I worked out the card is related to a customer, not a subscription.

I couldn't see any public endpoint to update a customer's card, so I added this method in charge/controllers/ChargeController.php (not ideal to update the plugin directly I know):

public function actionUpdateCard()
  $customer = craft()->charge_customer->find();
  $cardToken = craft()->request->getRequiredPost('cardToken');

  if ($customer->addCard($cardToken)) {
    $this->returnJson(['success' => true]);
  } else {
    $this->returnJson(['success' => false]);

and then can make requests to the charge/updateCard endpoint:

getStripeToken(cardToken => {
    params: {
      action: 'charge/updateCard',
    then: ({ success }) => console.log(`Card updated: ${success}`)
    url: '/'

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