I need to get the current entry ID in plugin's variable file without submitting any form. I tried this but it gave an error Undefined property: Craft\PluginNameVariable::$element

namespace Craft;

class PluginNameVariable
public function totalitemsForElements($elements = array())
    $criteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria('MyElementType');

    $criteria->elementId = $this->element->id;

    $items = $criteria->find();

    return $criteria->find();

I was accessing this variable through

{% set itemElementType =  craft.pluginName.totalitemsForElements %}
{{ itemElementType|length }}

Please Help. Thanks in advance !!

1 Answer 1


It seems like what you want is to get elements related to an entry that is pre-loaded in a template, and that elementId is a custom field for MyElementType. If that's the case, this should work out:

public function totalitemsForElements($elementID)
    $criteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria('MyElementType');

    $criteria->elementId = $elementID;

    return $criteria->find();

We'll pass the entry id to the variable function. Here's the template code:

{% set itemElementType =  craft.pluginName.totalitemsForElements(entry.id) %}
{{ itemElementType|length }}

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