Part of our go live process is to put caching in place for the site. It is a great feature. But I am unsure on the best strategy, not from a technical perspective but from a non-technical cms editor perspective...
For example, we usually setup the cache on the header and footer includes on our templates. I like to set it up for 1 hour, that way it will clear reasonably often. That way if the editor changes some header or footer markup they just need to wait an hour for the new content to appear. Which brings me to the issue, our cms editors find this all a bit confusing, they are never sure what will be cached and what won't, if you show them how to clear the cache they end up doing it almost every edit just to be sure. Or they make edits and when it doesn't look they way they want they think it must be the cache and leave it looking odd for days before they admit something must be wrong.
So how do other people deal with this? I am thinking we might write a plugin to clear the entire cache on any entry save or structure modification. But this seems a bit crude.
{% cache %}
tag or are you cacheing from a plugin? The cache tag should automatically clear and re-save when whatever entry they are cacheing for is updated, assuming you have your configs set up correctly.