I'm thinking of using Google's Workbox to pre-cache a bunch of files, and I've been scratching my head as to how to generate unique hashes for files when they change. Something like this:
url: '/',
revision: '383676',
url: '/about',
revision: 213142,
town: '/location',
revision: 742125,
Ideally the revision number would change when the entry or related entries included in the page are changed/saved. I got this working but I'm not sure how to get related content to clear the cache:
// service-worker.js
{%- cache using key 'abc' -%}
url: {{ craft.entries.id(64).one.uri }},
revision: {{ random(100000, 999999) }},
{%- endcache -%}
This seems to work when said entry is saved, but I'm not sure how to deal with a related entry being saved. I'm also not sure this is the most performant way to go.