Craft Pro: 4.11.5 Blitz: 4.23.0 Feed Me: 5.7.0
When the FeedMe import/update runs, and page 1 is finished, all the Blitz cached entries (for the secified section) are being refreshed. Not only the entries that we're being processed by this page import/update, but also the other entries not touched (yet).
When Blitz update is finished, the next FeedMe page import runs, and again Blitz will refresh all entries in our section.
I would expect that only the touched entries, and the entries were the touched ones are used, would be refreshed by Blitz.
Is this normal behaviour, or is there something wrong in our setup? How can i best approach the search for the cause and solution.
I understand, it's a very specific case, but any pointers are welcome!
Thank you in advance for your time, and best regards. Jan