I inherited a Craft website. When I log into the admin panel, I don't see the option in the settings to add sections or add fields or properties within these sections. I can only edit existing ones. In the general.php file, there is no 'allowAdminChanges' setting. I log in as an admin, plugins are disabled. What could be blocking the regular admin view? Here is general.php
return array(
// Default Week Start Day (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday...)
'defaultWeekStartDay' => 1,
// Enable CSRF Protection (recommended, will be enabled by default in Craft 3)
'enableCsrfProtection' => false,
// Whether "index.php" should be visible in URLs (true, false, "auto")
'omitScriptNameInUrls' => true,
// Control Panel trigger word
'cpTrigger' => 'admin',
// Dev Mode (see https://craftcms.com/support/dev-mode)
'devMode' => false, // TODO: DISABLE IT
// 'overridePhpSessionLocation' => true,
// 'requireMatchingUserAgentForSession' => false,
'enableTemplateCaching' => true,
'cacheElementQueries' => true,
'defaultImageQuality' => 90,
'maxUploadFileSize' => 64000000,
'imageDriver' => 'imagick',
'allowAutoUpdates' => false