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References to static assets placed under subfolders

We are exploring best practice for referencing subdirectory js and css in html path references. See below. directory structure looks like this. ┣ craft/ ┃ ┣ various_dirs/ ┃ ┗ ...
shin_develop's user avatar
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How can I unlock Craft's native functionality?

I inherited a Craft website. When I log into the admin panel, I don't see the option in the settings to add sections or add fields or properties within these sections. I can only edit existing ones. ...
Freestyle's user avatar
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OPcache extension Warning

I updated my Craft installation to 4.5.3, right? And then I noticed this warning pops up in the system report, saying, "The OPcache extension is recommended in production environments." ...
JBrew30's user avatar
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Settings and Plugins 'missing'

They were there previously, and the site admin is not responding. Is there anything I'm able to do?
Alex Menace's user avatar
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Plugin 'editableTable' settings field returns incorrect type when empty

My plugin uses a {{ forms.editableTable({...}) }} field within the settings.twig. When the field has row items it will save just fine, but when the table is empty it attempts to save it as an empty ...
Mark Notton's user avatar
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Craft warning: Attempting to set settings on a plugin that doesn't have settings: [handle]

I've noticed that this warning is being output in logs constantly Attempting to set settings on a plugin that doesn't have settings: tablemaker The tablemaker plugin does not define a settings model ...
James White's user avatar
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How to set SMTP Enrcyption with an environment variable

The official Craft documentation says it is possible to set the "Encryption Method (SMTP)" , Snipped from the documentation, with an Environment Variable. I think i am missing something but ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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access to specific settings in production

thanks for any advice in advance. I agree with craftcms that in production mode access to setting should be off limits. With that being said in the users tab on the dashboard I have not seen anywhere ...
jbrightdev's user avatar
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Settings for redactor's plugin Special characters

Is there a way to adjust Special Characters plugin's list of characters in Redactor settings (or in other config file)? I can make the changes I need (reduce plugins menu, add new characters) directly ...
klaxon's user avatar
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Managing `isSystemLive` with Project Config

In Step 6 of the Project Config Environment Setup, it is suggested to disable allowAdminChanges so that changes aren't lost unexpectedly on production environments. I maintain a Craft CMS site which ...
Joseph Kerkhof's user avatar
3 votes
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Missing the "Settings" tab in admin panel

I have installed Craft CMS on fortrabbit hosting provider but missing the "Settings" tab after installation (see image below). Could anyone help me what's going wrong here?
Philipp Roth's user avatar
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Is there a way to allow "read only" access to settings in environments where 'allowAdminChanges' => false?

Is there a way to allow "read only" access to settings in environments where 'allowAdminChanges' => false? Project Config is a great convenience and I understand why we need to set '...
Alex Kendrick's user avatar
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Where to upload a User photo in the admin?

Not sure if I'm just overlooking, but I can't seem to find where in the admin to update my user photo (Craft versions 3.5 and 3.6). The User Photo Location field in User Settings is set to a valid ...
jrrdnx's user avatar
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Plugin Settings Color Input Javascript Event Listeners

Is it possible to attach JavaScript event listeners to the colour input field in a plugin's settings page, so that when a user selects a colour with the picker I can run an AJAX request?
Seb Jones's user avatar
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How to get my craft projectConfig settings inside JS on the front end

So I am trying to work with twig templates and I want to inject my project configuration in my js so I can use it. I can do this {% set admin_email = %} ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Only the Settings page is broken

I downloaded a fresh install of Craft and ran it locally with MAMP. Everything works except that the Settings page gives me the error This page isn’t working \n localhost didn’t send any data....
Brimby's user avatar
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What will happen if we change the field type in the fields (settings -> fields) in Craft 3?

I am a beginner in Craft CMS. I just want to know, what will happen if we change the field type in the fields (settings -> fields) in Craft 3?
Rakhi Vijayan's user avatar
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Can't access "settings"

I can access "settings" in the control panel. Getting these errors: Please help. yii\base\ErrorException: Undefined property: DOMElement::$tagName in /home/I/ingvildholmno/vendor/enshrined/svg-...
Paul Peters's user avatar
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Editing Entries are not working

I am not sure if anybody has come across this, but after clicking "Settings" in the Admin Center all of my "Pages" entries are un-editable. When I click to edit them, all that shows is the title, the ...
Gabriel E.'s user avatar
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Clicking New field on /admin/settings/field/new hangs site

Running 3.2.4, and clicking on "new field" which calls /[admin]/settings/fields/new times out on our AWS servers where the DB is hosted in the cloud. It isn't an issue when everything's running ...
Greg Bowne's user avatar
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Craft 2: get default user group from user settings

In Craft 2, I know I can get general config settings. How can I get the current Default User Group (set in Settings > User Settings) for use in my templates?
Jonathan Schofield's user avatar
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My plugin settings page is never loaded

I have been staring at this all morning, comparing to other plugins online and cannot see why my plugin settings page never registers. I have verified the actual settings model is populated, but ...
Matt MacKenzie's user avatar
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Add a second template field in section settings via plugin

I would like to add a second default template field for each section's Site Settings, via plugin. Where would I look to see how to do this? How would I access this value in my plugin's code? How ...
Mark J. Reeves's user avatar
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Craft 2: New locale introduction not affecting old entries

I just introduced a new (2nd) locale to my site. It now seems I can easily set up translated versions for "single" and "channel" pages that I set up new. The old entries, which existed prior to ...
Tobias S.'s user avatar
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Trouble accessing setting

My plugin structure was created by the plugin factory. I have a setting called ulStateClass and I have been able to change the value of that setting in the Setting for the plug in. Looking at the 3.0 ...
Eric Snyder's user avatar
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Error updating programmatically a plugin's setting

I want to update programatically a plugin's setting: public function init() { craft()->on('commerce_orders.onBeforeOrderComplete', function($event){ // Set InvoiceNumber $...
phaetons's user avatar
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Set tabs in settings on Plugin

I would like to add tabs in setting page in my plugin. I have the following code in /[myplugin]/templates/_setting.html. However, the tabs do not show up, does anyone have any sample code to set up ...
Angela Chan's user avatar
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Only see 3 textarea field on Plugin Setting Page

I am developing the plugin to send user difference confirmation email which more than 20. I put those fields in templates/settings.html so that the admin could change and update the message content. ...
Angela Chan's user avatar
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Plugin settings per site/locale

I'm trying to make a plugin in Craft 3 but want it to be possible to set different settings for each separate site or locale. How would I go about doing this?
Rias's user avatar
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Can I set an environment var for SMTP mail servers?

Pretty straight forward here, I'd like to use MailTrap for devMode and then use an SMTP service (Mandrill or like) for production. I looked through the General Config Settings docs but didn't see ...
Ryan Shrum's user avatar
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Version 3 Beta Login Logo Not Resizing [closed]

The login page logo does not resize on Craft V3 Beta, but the site icon does, using the identical image. The images are resized to 500 x 500 when uploaded to the cp settings page, but the logo width ...
John de Beer's user avatar
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"Email" Control Panel Settings page is blank

I'm currently unable to access my 'Email' control panel settings page. When the page loads it's completely blank, and the body of the response is simply the scripts that log the Application Log and ...
jrrdnx's user avatar
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Retrieving custom settings in Craft 3 plugin [closed]

I'm trying to retrieve the settings that a user sets in a Craft 3 plugin. The method I used in Craft 2 plugins doesn't seem to work anymore. To demonstrate the problem, I'd made a plugin and uploaded ...
John Morton's user avatar
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How to make a code/settings for accessing the one database from 2 different html files with {slug}

I create a code for TV show database, but I have a big problem. Please see the image I want to access one entry(post) with some data from some templates. But I don't know how to create any code or ...
tetsujikenny's user avatar
3 votes
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Plugin Settings UI for saving an array of values

I'm making a plugin where I'd like a user to be able to add values to a list, then have that list saved as an array. Are there any smart ways of doing this? My current solution is to have a textarea, ...
jasonetco's user avatar
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Redactor settings: stripping out classes from table

I have a site (Craft 2.5.2754) and am trying to add a class to a table within Redactor. Even if I disable Clean up HTML and Purify HTML (which would rather not do) the style is getting stripped out on ...
Cole Henley's user avatar
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Plugin settings are rendered wrong

I'm trying to create a craft plugin but I have problems with rendering the settings. Right now I used the same way like here so this is my plugin code <?php namespace Craft; class testPlugin ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
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How to save widget settings

How do you save Widget Settings? I read this tutorial several times but I could not find an answer. I'm new to Craft and this is my first plugin. If I want ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I disable languages from the General Config Settings?

I started to develop my new Craft site in two languages (French & German). Once done here, I have to put the website online temporarily in one of these two languages (French). So I turned off all ...
Romain P.'s user avatar
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Commerce & PayPal - What does "Solution Type" mean?

Our site is using the Craft Commerce plugin, and within that we've enabled the PayPal Express gateway. However, there is a very cryptic dropdown menu on the gateway settings page... So my question is,...
Lindsey D's user avatar
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Plugin settings - file field upload location

My plugin needs to allow admin to upload an image. I have the field setup and saving ok. But i cant seem to control the upload location. This is what i have so far in my settings: {{ forms.file({ ...
BillyMedia's user avatar
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Odd error message when editing field settings (Variable "targetLocaleFieldHtml" does not exist)

After upgrading a site from 2.4.x to 2.6.x, I'm experiencing an odd issue where Craft throws the following template error whenever I attempt to edit a field: Variable "targetLocaleFieldHtml" does not ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
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Settings in Admin Panel Blank

Have kind of a weird problem going on with my site, which I just moved over from my staging server to production. Originally, everything looked fine, except I couldn't get into the Admin Panel. I ...
Shad's user avatar
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Why are the email settings fields not showing, and how do I fix this?

I'm trying to set up SMTP in Craft backend Settings > Email to get Mandrill working. But regardless of which protocol I choose, no settings fields are shown, and when I click save it just says "Couldn’...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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Change system settings email address

Is there a way to change the email address stored in the craft_systemsettings table? I guess this was originally setup when installing Craft but now I need to change it. I've changed the email ...
bravokiloecho's user avatar
2 votes
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Bilingual site page URL issues

I'm trying to setup a bilingual site and I'm having some issues with setting up the URI. 'siteUrl' => array( 'en' => 'http://localhost/mysite', 'fr' => 'http://localhost/mysite/fr',...
Eric Chantigny's user avatar
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Craft Cache Config - Remote Support?

Is there a way to configure Craft further beyond just settings like 'cacheMethod' => 'redis',? I'm exploring the possibility of using Redis outside of the server Craft CMS is running on, and am ...
taylor's user avatar
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postCpLoginRedirect wrong redirect when used with autoLoginAfterAccountActivation

See below updates and accepted answer for a full solution I finally discovered postCpLoginRedirect which solves my needs, even though I only need users to access their profile (which includes lots of ...
Rob's user avatar
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What does the Timezone in Settings -> General represent?

Should it be set to the timezone of the server Craft is installed on, or the timezone of the current user, or something else? I can find no documentation about these settings anywhere.
Sandwich's user avatar
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How do i get variables from general.php

Within the config folder there is a general.php file with various vars which are site specific. how do i get at these from within a plugin? Thanks for your help.
garyconstable's user avatar