Getting error:

Calling unknown method: craft\web\twig\variables\CraftVariable::markAsReadModule()

Trying to use a template variable that I created in my Craft 3 module, I use this module for other things that work as expected but I am running into an issue with this in the template:

{{ craft.markAsReadModule.read(entry.id) }}

In the init method for craft/modules/markasreadmodule/MarkAsReadModule.php I register the variable:

I am using:

use craft\web\twig\variables\CraftVariable;
use modules\markasreadmodule\variables\MarkAsReadModuleVariable;

Then I have this in the init:

    function (Event $event) {
        /** @var CraftVariable $variable */
        $variable = $event->sender;
        $variable->set('markAsReadModule', MarkAsReadModuleVariable::class);

In craft/modules/markasreadmodule/variables/MarkAsReadModuleVariable.php

public function read($entryId)
    $service = new MarkAsRead(); // initialize the service class
    $read = $service->read($entryId);

I suspect I am setting the naming convention where I include it in the template and/or in the init method within craft/modules/markasreadmodule/MarkAsReadModule.php

  • Not seeing anything obviously wrong... are you sure your module is being bootstrapped/loaded?
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 20:08
  • I goofed on the bootstrap array in the app.php config, thanks.
    – Brad
    Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 20:51
  • Glad you're sorted... would you mind adding your solution as an official answer? Might end up helping someone in the future.
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Jan 8, 2019 at 21:25

1 Answer 1


Was running into the same problem today. I was able to access the controller and the service, but none of the variables. Looks like Brad was able to fix the problem but didn't add a final solution.

I wasn't registering any variables on the init() function. Adding the last line of code registered the variable but did not load it onto every request.

    // Register our variables
        function (Event $event) {
            /** @var CraftVariable $variable */
            $variable = $event->sender;
            $variable->set('formSenderModule', FormSenderModuleVariable::class);

To add it onto every request, I had to add form-sender-module into my bootstrap array in app.php.

'bootstrap' => ['form-sender-module']

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