I am trying to use Twig methods/loops while working on a design/template. To avoid touching the CP or the DB i did set variables directly in the template, like :

{% set service = 

{% for i in 0..1 %}
  <p>{{ service.headerQuote }}</p>
{% endfor %}

It would be much better to be able to use the standard Craft methods, so if I move from templating/designing towards the DB i wouldn't have to touch the methods in my markup. Unfortunately, I can't make it work... I tried:

{% set service = { titel: 

{% for entry in craft.entries
      .section('service') %}

      <p>{{ entry.titel }}</p>

{% endfor %}

I tried to set the service entry to craft.entries.section('service') but that doesn't work as well... what am I missing?

Is it even possible to overwrite Craft variables in the markup?

2 Answers 2


Just use a variable that has the same keys as the entry model will have.

{% set entries = [{title: 'hello', ...}, {title: 'hello2', ...}] %}

{% for entry in entries %}
    {# stuff #}
{% endfor %}

Then, when you want to move to using the database, just switch what entries is set to:

{% set entries = craft.entries.section('service') %}

That way the template will still look exactly the same.


I'm not 100% sure I'm following what you're going for, if you want to access the array values of the titel property in the service variable, you'd do so like:

service.title[0], which would equal hallo and service.title[1], which would equal hallo2.

So would look like:

{% for entry in craft.entries.section(service.title[0]) %}

  <p>{{ entry.titel }}</p>

{% endfor %}
  • thanks a lot brad, i think my question was a bit confusing.
    – HendrikEng
    Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 14:47

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