I can not for the life of me figure out why my cp page will not generate the elements table. On other elementtype pages in the cp there is an XHR request made to a controller called "getElements" and that returns the html for the elements table. On my elementtype page there is no XHR call and the page just sits there with no table.
Here is my template twig:
{% extends "_layouts/elementindex" %}
{% set title = "Pending Account Requests"|t %}
{% set elementType = 'GrnPlatform_AccountRequest' %}
Here is my class for my element
namespace Craft;
class GrnPlatform_AccountRequestElementType extends BaseElementType
public function getName()
return Craft::t('GRN Account Request');
public function defineTableAttributes()
return array(
'firstName' => Craft::t('First Name'),
'lastName' => Craft::t('Last Name'),
'email' => Craft::t('Email Address'),
'roleRequested' => Craft::t('Request For'),
'dateCreated' => Craft::t('Requested On')
public function getTableAttributeHtml(BaseElementModel $element, $attribute)
switch ($attribute)
case 'dateCreated':
$date = $element->$attribute;
if ($date)
return $date->localeDate();
return '';
return parent::getTableAttributeHtml($element, $attribute);
public function defineCriteriaAttributes()
return array(
'userId' => AttributeType::Number,
'approved' => AttributeType::Number,
'denied' => AttributeType::Number,
'roleRequested' => AttributeType::Mixed,
'dateCreated' => AttributeType::Mixed,
'order' => array(AttributeType::String, 'default' => 'requests.dateCreated asc')
public function modifyElementsQuery(DbCommand $query, ElementCriteriaModel $criteria)
->addSelect('users.firstName, users.lastName, users.email, requests.roleRequested, requests.approved, requests.denied, requests.dateCreated')
->Join('grnplatform_account_requests requests', 'requests.id = elements.id')
->leftJoin('users users', 'users.id = requests.userId');
if(isset($criteria->userId)) {
$query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseParam('requests.userId', $criteria->userId, $query->params));
if(isset($criteria->roleRequested)) {
$query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseParam('requests.roleRequested', $criteria->roleRequested, $query->params));
if(isset($criteria->dateCreated)) {
$query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseParam('requests.dateCreated', $criteria->dateCreated, $query->params));
if(isset($criteria->approved)) {
$query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseParam('requests.approved', $criteria->approved, $query->params));
if(isset($criteria->denied)) {
$query->andWhere(DbHelper::parseParam('requests.denied', $criteria->denied, $query->params));
public function populateElementModel($row)
return GrnPlatform_AccountRequestModel::populateModel($row);
public function getEditorHtml(BaseElementModel $element)
return parent::getEditorHtml($element);
Here is my plugin code for the route to the page:
public function registerCpRoutes()
return array(
'grnplatform' => array('action' => 'GrnPlatform/mainIndex'),
'grnplatform/AccountRequests' => array('action' => 'GrnPlatform/AccountRequest/mainIndex')
Here is the controller that gets routed and renders the template:
namespace Craft;
class GrnPlatform_AccountRequestController extends BaseController
public function actionMainIndex()
Here is the ElementModel
namespace Craft;
class GrnPlatform_AccountRequestModel extends BaseElementModel
protected $elementType = 'GrnPlatform_AccountRequest';
public function __toString()
return ucfirst($this->getAttribute('roleRequested')) . " Request";
protected function defineAttributes()
return array_merge(parent::defineAttributes(), array(
'userId' => array("type" => AttributeType::Number, "required" => true),
'roleRequested' => array("type" => AttributeType::Enum, "values" => array("vendor", "facilitator"), "required" => true),
'message' => array("type" => AttributeType::String, 'required' => true),
'completed' => AttributeType::Bool,
'approved' => AttributeType::Bool,
'denied' => AttributeType::Bool
public function isEditable()
return true;
public function getCpEditUrl()
public function getFieldLayout()
return null;
Here is the Record for the element:
namespace Craft;
class GrnPlatform_AccountRequestRecord extends BaseRecord
public function getTableName()
return 'grnplatform_account_requests';
protected function defineAttributes()
return array(
'userId' => array(AttributeType::Number, 'required' => true),
'roleRequested' => array(AttributeType::Enum, 'values' => array('vendor','facilitator'), 'required' => true),
'message' => array(AttributeType::String, 'column' => ColumnType::Text, 'required' => true),
'denied' => AttributeType::Bool,
'approved' => AttributeType::Bool
public function defineRelations()
return array(
'element' => array(static::BELONGS_TO, 'ElementRecord', 'id', 'required' => true, 'onDelete' => static::CASCADE),
'user' => array(static::BELONGS_TO, 'UserRecord', 'userId', 'onDelete' => static::CASCADE)
public function defineIndexes()
return array(
array('columns'=>array('roleRequested'), 'unique' => false),
array('columns'=>array('denied'), 'unique' => false),
array('columns'=>array('approved'), 'unique' => false),
array('columns'=>array('userId'), 'unique' => false)
I did some manual debugging through the JS on the page and I found this inside the Craft.baseElementIndex:init()
// No source, no party.
if ($sources.length == 0)
My code is hitting this because I dont have any sources... Honestly I'm not even sure what my sources would be in this instance...