Since upgrading to craft 2.6.2785 when I delete a user it appears to remove the user from the elements
and elements_il8n
tables but does not delete the user from the users
If you then search for the user in the CMS it does not find them however the user has not been removed from the database so if you try and set up a new user with the same email address it fails with "email has already been taken message".
Update on this. I re-imported the database from dev to staging. In my dev deleting users works fine. When importing the database which is fairly large due to 20k+ users I get this error:
SQL Error (1452) Cannot add or update a child row:a foreign key constraint fails ('databaseName'.'#sql-1510_62265', CONSTRAINT 'craft_matrixcontent_newscontent_elementId_fk' FOREIGN KEY ('elementId') REFERENCES 'craft_elements' ('id') ON DELETE CASCADE)
Then when trying to delete a user it says it's deleted removes the elements from the element tables but does not remove the user from the users