Is it possible to find the seconds left / TTL when retrieving cache (when set to Redis) via plugins? I'm using short-lived cache (~600 seconds) to put users on "cooldown" to limit how often they can create new forum topics, by creating a user-specific cache whenever they create a topic. Then I can check and see if this cache exists when they create a new topic.
When getting the cache like:
$cache = craft()->cache->get( $cacheKey );
If it returns true (exists,) I'd like to be able to tell the user how long they need to wait until they can post again (like Reddit.)
I've tried methods like
$cache->ttl; // doesn't work; not an object
$cache['ttl']; // doesn't work, no 'ttl' key
Maybe I am missing something in the Cache Service Doc? Or is this meta information simply not available?
Any information would be awesome. Cheers!