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14 votes

How to fetch entries from multiple sections

You can insert an array of different sections instead of a single one to pull entries from multiple sections {% set entries = craft.entries.section(['sectionHandle', 'sectionHandleTwo']).limit(10) %} ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
9 votes

Nested Entries in Craft 3

I kind of found a work around, but doesn't seem like it's the correct way to be doing this. {parent.uri ? parent.uri : 'static'}/{slug}
Kenyon Kowal's user avatar
8 votes

Entry Form - Multiple Entries & Entry Type & Parent

A little bit late but here it is. Go to and create a plugin, you need at least 1 Controller but you can leave the Name value blank to create a controller with the same Name ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
7 votes

Best practice for channels and structures

You basically have two options for creating a "listing" or "archive" view for your Channel or Structure sections. The first option is to create a Single. This is in many cases appropriate, e.g. if ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
6 votes

URL structure for structure section

If you do this: {parent.uri}/{slug} You should get URLs like this: Does that make sense?
4midori's user avatar
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5 votes

Order/sort a structure section by date too?

This should work {% set entries = craft.entries({ section: 'news', sortOrder: 'postDate desc, lft asc', }) %}
carlcs's user avatar
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4 votes

Add home page to a structure?

From an IA and content-modelling perspective, putting all your site's "pages" in a Structure is fraught with problems, and, in my opinion, does a terrible disservice to the future-friendly approach ...
James Smith's user avatar
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4 votes

How to prevent select user groups from reordering structures

You should be able to ensure that the elements aren't moved by using the structures.onBeforeMoveElement hook in a plugin: public function init() { craft()->on('structures.beforeMoveElement', ...
Mike Pepper's user avatar
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4 votes

How to manage different templates for a structure

Your approach looks good to me. There are different ways you can make it happen: If you set up your structure in the CP you can decide how many levels you want to allow for that structure. (By ...
Wolfram Gehring's user avatar
4 votes

How can I display second level children only from a specific parent structure item?

yes you can! You may search for a slug craft.entries.slug('slug-of-first-parent'), select the first result .one(), and then the children by .getChildren(). Now you can proceed as you already did and ...
Luke's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I check if a structure has any entries at level 3 when I'm at level 1?

To make it works I had to query in the section for descendant entries at level 3 of a current entry variable. {% set products = craft.entries.section('products') %} {% if lvl == 1 and products....
Dominik Krulak's user avatar
3 votes

How to setup the structure in Craft for a Property Development site I'm building

I think I follow where you are going. It sounds like you have a few levels so you will indeed be working with a structure (instead of a channel or single). I'm not sure what "All Developments" means -...
Damon's user avatar
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3 votes

Hiding Field on Parent Entry

You can create two different Entry Types for your Structure section, and use one Entry Type for parent entries, and a different entry type for child entries. Entry Types have their own field layout, ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
3 votes

How to prevent select user groups from reordering structures

Impossible out of the box – there's no permission setting for ordering Structures. For now, I'd add a feature request and hack it in. The easiest solution is probably to use the CP Body Classes and ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
3 votes

Redirect to another EntryType template if no Children exist

Fixed! So bearing in mind i'm using this method to load templates according to entry type, Clive Portman's answer got me thinking about hasDescendants. In my _entry.html I now have something like ...
Martin's user avatar
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3 votes

Why isn't relatedTo not working (anymore)?

You are so close! All you need to do is to remove the ’.slug’, because that is what the param is expecting.
carlcs's user avatar
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3 votes

Start a Loop at the nth Entry in a Structure and Loop to the End?

Using the offset parameter you can achieve this: {% for entry in craft.entries.section('structureSection').offset(8) %}
Siebird's user avatar
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3 votes

Eager-Loading child elements in a multi-level structure section

To use eager-loading for the child elements add 'children' to the with parameter. {% set mice = craft.entries({ section: 'experiments', level: 3, descendantOf:, with: ['...
carlcs's user avatar
  • 36.3k
3 votes

How can I create a family tree hierarchy in Craft?

I can't think of an easy and clean way to visualize this kind of structure in a default list. So if you want to be able to display the structure from your diagram dynamically you'll have much work to ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
3 votes

Why is the parent slug showing up in the child slug in a structure?

Pretty sure that the ResaveElements task just hadn't run yet - my queue was stuck. Once I cleared the stuck items, the issue resolved on its own!
Katie Fritz's user avatar
3 votes

URL Structure - advise and thoughts of best approach?

I’d go for /hot-tubs/used etc This way you can also have /accessories/pipes etc
Jay's user avatar
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3 votes

URL Structure - advise and thoughts of best approach?

The general rule of thumb is to start with the most general thing, and end in the most specific thing. The nice part of this is that it makes sense to humans, too. I'd go with /hot-tubs/new/name-of-...
andrew.welch's user avatar
  • 11.6k
3 votes

How do I get different URL Format with parent/child structures & how do I display different templates?

To get different URL Format for parent & child pages, you need to go to the CP structure settings and edit the Entry URI Format. This is how your URI should look like: {% if level == 1 %}features/...
mateostabio's user avatar
3 votes

How do I create a structure side navigation that will show active parent list-item and active child list-item

After a long search and lots of trial and error, I've found the perfect solution! This is how I created a dynamic structure navigation : parent/child (2 levels deep) with class="active" on the parent ...
mateostabio's user avatar
3 votes

Craft CMS Structure: How can I display parent and child items on an active parent page?

I hope I have understand your problem.. Let's look at your code: One sidenote: It might be good to limit your pages-selection only to active pages: {% set pages = craft.entries.section('about')....
Luke's user avatar
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3 votes

Parent are not set anymore after saveElement()

You need to use newParentId: $navigationItem = new Entry(); $navigationItem->typeId = 4; $navigationItem->sectionId = $navigationSection->id; $navigationItem->title = $entry->title; $...
Oli's user avatar
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3 votes

Simple Product Listing Pages by Category Slug

You're nearly there! You are missing the part that fetches the entries related to your category. With your current set up, you would need to do: {# Get the requested category slug from the URL #} {% ...
Oli's user avatar
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3 votes

Get all entries by structureId

Looks like you're trying to access an entries' descendants, which includes all children, children of children and so on. You can get all descendants of an entry using Entry::getDescendants(): {% set ...
MoritzLost's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Convert Categories into Structure entries

Craft 4.4 (which is due to release in Q1 2023) will include a native CLI command that will "aid in migrating existing categories, tags, and global sets over to entries". Full details here: ...
Mats Mikkel Rummelhoff's user avatar
3 votes

Disable Drag and Drop movements of entries

None of these are currently possible, as far as I know. A quick search reveals this abandoned plugin, this feature request and, lo and behold, a feature request created by you in 2022. I’d say that ...
Ben Croker's user avatar
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