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10 votes

Craft 3 plugins - Logging in a separate *.log file

Edit 2 I came up with a far far far better approach after a little brainstorming. I'll keep my old answer here but you should probably just use the first snipped. In your main Pluginfile.php public ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
9 votes

Craft 3 plugins - Logging in a separate *.log file

Another perhaps simpler approach is to write to your own log file without using the Craft logger at all. $file = Craft::getAlias('@storage/logs/pluginhandle.log'); $log = date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' '.$...
Ben Croker's user avatar
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5 votes

Craft CMS 3.0 - Log file?

Based on the official documentation the log files are under /storage/logs and look for the web.log file especially. If you don't find anything check your webserver logs.
terdelyi's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to stop Craft from logging so much?

As someone who theoretically might inherit your site one day... and also as future-you trying to diagnose a problem... please don't try to limit what Craft logs. If you want a quicker way to look for ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
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3 votes

wp-login.php bloating log files every 20-30 seconds

So what I do is I just redirect anything requesting a WordPress-ish thing to (that's what they are looking for, after all...). You can see how to do that here if you're using Nginx: ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
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3 votes

See 404 error cause by some weird URI in index.php

These are very likely bots that are scanning the website for various things (I see it for WordPress logins a ton). Two things you can do: Redirect them. This is what I do for WordPress bots Install ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
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3 votes

GeneratePendingTransforms stuck every time

I think to solve your issue we're going to need a bit more of information. A couple of things you can try: set a higher max execution time. I think normally the max execution time is 120 sec. and ...
Jan_dh's user avatar
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2 votes

Constant exception.Craft\HttpException.404 in logs

You can try installing the Retour plugin to get a log of all of the 404 errors and their referrers, and potentially handle them via redirects.
andrew.welch's user avatar
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2 votes

Unknown error in users section, after importing sql dump. Need help understanding logs

It seems to be failing because of the date time '-0001-11-30 00:00:00', which doesn't look like a proper date to me. Did you do the database dump via the Craft CMS control Panel (CP), or did you ...
Steve Holland's user avatar
2 votes

GeneratePendingTransforms stuck every time

I'd suggest reading over the Stuck Tasks support article. It has general debugging tips for all tasks for figuring out why they get stuck and more specifically debugging tips for the Generate Pending ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Craft 3 plugins - Logging in a separate *.log file

Adding this for posterity, for any future-traveller who happens to come along. Here's everything you need to know about making a custom logger for Craft CMS: Creating a Custom Logger for Craft CMS ...
andrew.welch's user avatar
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2 votes

Craft CMS 3.0 - Log file?

If you want to view the logs in the control panel in Craft 3, like was possible in Craft 2, then you will need to use this plugin: Logs
Stephen's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I find log activity of who deleted a user and who edited an entry?

This Activity Logs plugin records the more low-level HTTP requests, but with all of Craft's additional info, such as Action, User, Site, CP vs Site, Ajax vs Page, etc. The user has full control over ...
Matanya's user avatar
  • 492
2 votes

Is it possible to stop Craft from logging so much?

This will be a similar answer as here: Craft 3 large log file sizes Basically Craft goes with Yii's default FileTarget settings, which is 5 log files of 10MB each before they start rotating out. ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom plugin log not logging

Put the force parameter to true MyPlugin::log("Errors:\n\n" . print_r($fieldsData, true), LogLevel::Error, true); Custom Log in Craft
Wasnu's user avatar
  • 36
2 votes

Plugin logging not appearing

At first, I didn't internalize the substance of the log message, and assumed the logger was filtering out your statement due to the target's configured "levels." However, considering that ...
August Miller's user avatar
1 vote

Integrity constraint violation blocks queue

This could maybe help you track down the issue: The search index table has all of its rows removed and re-built any time an element is saved. You could look at the timestamp of the error and look for ...
cherrykoda's user avatar
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1 vote

Database not backed up because the backup command is false

Try to check you config/general.php if you found this, try to set to true or remove it. 'backupCommand' => false,
aodihis's user avatar
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1 vote

Custom log file from module/controller

You can do this with the Log To File helper, which provides a simple way for logging messages to a specific file: This question has already been ...
Ben Croker's user avatar
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1 vote

Avoid saving $_POST in Craft logs for certain URLs

As Oli commented, those will only be logged if devMode is enabled, which should never be the case in production. Outside of that, Craft does have a sensitiveKeywords propery in the Security class: ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to allow logging at LEVEL_INFO without logging all the SQL queries?

This is what we ended up using. <?php return [ 'components' => [ 'log' => [ 'targets' => [ [ 'class' =&...
Aaron Cimolini's user avatar
1 vote

How can I debug `craft\web\User::_validateUserAgentAndIp()` warnings

Most likely since it's a production site, it's from bots/scripts hitting the site's login page probing for vulnerabilities. I'd suggest changing the cpTrigger config setting and see if the ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

How to read logs?

There are a bunch of Yii 2 log parsers and integrations with 3rd party logging services you could use such as Graylog, Papertrail, Logstash, etc.
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

I do not have the /craft/storage/runtime/logs/ folder

Looks like that article needs to be updated for Craft 3. In Craft 3, the logs folder is at storage/logs and you can search for [error] and find the one related to email sending.
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to stop Craft from logging so much?

Even so this thread is old, maybe my answer can help someone: Cleanup Craft Logs Basically it's possible via app.php to remove all unnecessary logs such as all the $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER variables ...
judos's user avatar
  • 149
1 vote

Is it possible to stop Craft from logging so much?

We were having the same issue. Our logs were getting so dense with SQL statements that it was hard to find our errors. And for the most part, seeing Craft's internal SQL would not help us debug the ...
Francis McGrath's user avatar
1 vote

Craft 3 large log file sizes

Craft goes with Yii 2's defaults in the FileTarget class, which is 10MB for a log file before rotating.$maxFileSize-detail You can ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I find log activity of who deleted a user and who edited an entry?

Craft only stores minimum audit information in the database... mainly just when a row was created and last updated. If you're on Craft 2, there is a deprecated Audit Log plugin which might do what ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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1 vote

wp-login.php bloating log files every 20-30 seconds

We've done the redirect route in Andrew's answer before and while it keeps some script kiddies out, it can also cause less "savvy" ones to think you actually have a valid WP installation and continue ...
RitterKnight's user avatar
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1 vote

TemplatesController error related to webfont!

TemplateController is what all template requests in Craft get routed through. That error just means that someone/something is trying to load a resource (in your case
Brad Bell's user avatar
  • 67.6k

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