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Entries not being related

I am trying to query all entry elements related to a category but I am only able to get some of the entries to show up when I run craft.entry().relatedTo(category) I have a matrix field in the entries ...
Steven Zhang's user avatar
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Categories or Structures: Most efficient way to organize FAQ sections

Working on a plan for a site that has multiple audiences, with a FAQ section for each audience. FAQ entries are organized by Topic (Finance, Advertising, Publicity) each FAQ entry can be ...
sonoflee's user avatar
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Output Only Entries from Entry Field Related to a Category

I have a section called "lunchMenu" that contains an entries field ("menuItems"). Each entry in "menuItems" is related to a category in the category group ("foodCategory"). I would like to loop ...
Chris H.'s user avatar
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Relating a Category Entry to a Categories Field Type

I've been trying to get this working but can't seem to find a solution. I have two different types of Categories in a commerce project. Level One Level Two Examples Level One would be Mens, Ladies,...
conormcafee's user avatar
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Working with multiple categories

Does anyone know if you can work with releatedTo between categories? I’d like to get all the categories in a categories.groups that are related to a single category I have some entries in a channel, ...
Robin Sandborg's user avatar
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Category filter returning all entries

I've been trying to build a category filter. I managed to make my buttons respond with categories but the returned entries on the page stay the same. So when I click one of the links "/?category=koop" ...
sanderfish's user avatar
7 votes
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How to use localized categories properly?

I've setup a localized site (de/en) with custom routing for my categories (which are marked as translatable). I use a tag route for my categories which points to the same template as my structure. ...
m9dfukc's user avatar
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Trying to list entries related to users with a specific category selected

This is a category page. I am trying to display all entries from users with this specific category selected in their account (user field that is a category field type.) This is the code I have so far, ...
Angela's user avatar
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How do I create a list of categories and display the entries relating to each of these categories that have at least one entry?

Here's a summary of what I try to do: I created a Single page with a specific template where I want to display a list of partners I created a group of Categories to define all types of partners All ...
Romain P.'s user avatar
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