In my plugin, I'd like to catch errors when they appear in the control panel, so I can handle them differently. However, from the front-end, I'd like to keep the default Craft-style handling of error messages.

    // Some code which might produce an error
catch (\Exception $e)
    if (craft()->request->isCpRequest()) {
        // Do something with $e->getMessage()
    } else {
        // Use default Craft error handling

All of that is working for me, just trying to sort out how to do this part...

// Use default Craft error handling

How can I get my error handling to just go back to what Craft was doing by default? I want to make sure my errors still appear in devMode per usual.

1 Answer 1


Just re-throw the exception and pretend like nothing ever happened...

    // Some code which might produce an error
catch (\Exception $e)
    if (craft()->request->isCpRequest()) {
        // Do something with $e->getMessage()
    } else {
        // Nothing to see here...
        throw $e;
  • Brilliant, thanks Brad! Worked like a charm!
    – Lindsey D
    Commented Apr 17, 2015 at 22:03

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