I was wondering how to send an E-mail after an event. In this example I'm using stripe payments and I want a mail to be send after a transaction was completed.

Below I have tried to send a mail when a user is subscribed, but I don't receive an e-mail (setTo with an actual email), I don't get any errors either.

my code:

Event::on(Orders::class, Orders::EVENT_AFTER_PROCESS_WEBHOOK, function(WebhookEvent $e) {
                $data = $e->stripeData;
                $order = $e->order;

                if($order) {
                    $user = Craft::$app->getUsers()->getUserByUsernameOrEmail($order->email);
                    if($user) {
                        switch ($data['type']) {
                            case 'checkout.session.completed':
                                $subscription = $order->getSubscription();
                                $oldGroups = $user->getGroups();
                                if($user->isInGroup('newUsers')) {
                                    $newUserGroup = [];
                                    Craft::$app->getUsers()->assignUserToGroups($user->id, $newUserGroup);
                                if($subscription->planNickName == 'Light') {
                                    $newGroups = [1];
                                if($subscription->planNickname == 'Standard') {
                                    $newGroups = [2];
                                if($subscription->planNickName == 'Premium') {
                                    $newGroups = [3];
                                //send mail
                                $message = (new Message())
                                    ->setSubject('A subscription has been completed!')
                                Craft::$app->getUsers()->assignUserToGroups($user->id, $newGroups);
  • anyone has done this before? I need an example, which I'm somehow not able to find.
    – aren
    Commented Aug 9, 2022 at 12:52
  • Can you edit your question to say what the actual problem is? Does your code not work? Do you get any error messages? Commented Aug 9, 2022 at 13:32
  • @JamesSmith done.
    – aren
    Commented Aug 10, 2022 at 7:12
  • Your code looks fine to me. For what it's worth, I'm using a different event from the Stripe gateway class to do something similar - EVENT_RECEIVE_WEBHOOK: github.com/craftcms/commerce-stripe#receivewebhook - not sure if that might help at all. Commented Aug 10, 2022 at 10:14
  • @JamesSmith I'm using the stripe payments plugin, that's probably why the event is different. It's weird because I'm not receiving any e-mail, anyways thanks for your answer.
    – aren
    Commented Aug 10, 2022 at 10:21


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