Feel like I'm going crazy here...
I've got this snippet of code.
I find my entry based on title key/value.
I find my category ids based on alcohol key/value.
I attempt to set the entry category relation and save.
I get no errors. But nothing is saved either.
I've found other similar questions but nothing is working.
Need a fresh pair of eyes...
$entriesWithAlcohol = [
'title' => 'Jupiter Hotel + NEXT',
'alcohol' => ['byo', 'byo-with-corkage-fee'],
foreach ($entriesWithAlcohol as $entryWithAlcohol) {
$entry = \craft\elements\Entry::find()->title(\craft\helpers\Db::escapeParam($entryWithAlcohol['title']))->one();
if ($entry) {
$categoryIds = [];
foreach ($entryWithAlcohol['alcohol'] as $alcoholValue) {
$category = \craft\elements\Category::find()->slug(\craft\helpers\Db::escapeParam($alcoholValue))->one();
if ($category) {
$categoryIds[] = $category->id;
$entry->setFieldValue('alcoholWip', $categoryIds);
if (Craft::$app->elements->saveElement($entry)) {
Craft::info('Entry updated (ID: '.$entry->id.').');
} else {
Craft::error('Could not updated the entry (ID: '.$entry->id.').', LogLevel::Error);