I know im doing something small wrong but I cant see what at this point.

I have a channel called 'testimonialEntries' and I want to randomly output one of these entries on seperate pages. I cant output the matrix block in 'testimonialEntries' but i can the title, so i know its working just not accessing the matrix block.

{% for entries in craft.entries.section('testimonalEntries').orderBy('RAND()').limit(1).all() %}
{% block in entry.matrixBlock %}
    <h4>{{ block.heading }}</h4>]
    <p>{{ block.bodyContent }}</p>
{% endfor %}{% endfor %}

In this example im getting the entry title, but how do i also get a matrix block?

Edit: AM I getting close?

{% set testimonialEntry = craft.entries.section('testimonalEntries').orderBy('RAND()').limit(1).with(['testimonial']).one() %}
{% set testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks = testimonialEntry.testimonial %}
    {% if testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks %}
        <p>{{ testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks.body }}</p>
        <p>{{ testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks.quote }}</p>
        <p>{{ testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks.role }}</p>
    {% endif %}

Ok final edit incase anyone else runs across this: It Works!

    {% set testimonialEntry = craft.entries.section('testimonalEntries').orderBy('RAND()').limit(1).with(['testimonial']).one() %}
{% set testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks = testimonialEntry.testimonial %}
    {% if testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks %}
        {% for testimonial in testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks %}
            <p>{{ testimonial.body }}</p>
            <p>{{ testimonial.quote }}</p>
            <p>{{ testimonial.role }}</p>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

1 Answer 1


No need for a loop if you're just fetching a single entry:

{% set testimonialEntry = craft.entries.section('testimonalEntries').orderBy('RAND()').limit(1).one() %}
{% set testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks = testimonialEntry.matrixField.all() %}

Ideally for better performance you'd also use eager loading to load the matrix blocks at the same time as fetching the entry:

{% set testimonialEntry = craft.entries.section('testimonalEntries').orderBy('RAND()').limit(1).with(['matrixField']).one() %}
{% set testimonialEntryMatrixBlocks = testimonialEntry.matrixField %}
  • I've added what ive being using, im abit unsure how to go about using {% set %} though? Thank you
    – Spheriri
    Commented Mar 17, 2021 at 22:27
  • If you've never used {% set %} before, I'd recommend that you spend some time getting familiar with the basics of Twig, otherwise you're going to run into a lot of frustration! The Craft docs give a quick primer: craftcms.com/docs/3.x/dev/twig-primer.html or go straight to the official docs: twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x - You're also going to need to understand the difference between arrays and strings for a better understanding of how to code in Twig. Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 8:31

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