Is there a "Craft" way of handling this in 3.1?
Solutions to this question on SE are based on older versions of Craft which no longer work.
Custom fields can be duplicated by doing:
$newEntry->customFieldHandle = $masterEntry->customFieldHandle;
I've tested this with Plain Text, Number, Dropdown, Date/Time, Entries fields and it works fine.
I tried this with a matrix field (not expecting it to work, as I appreciate Matrix fields are handled differently). The matrix content and fields are copied across when a newEntry
is generated, but is deleted from the masterEntry
Example module:
protected static function createNewEntry()
function(ElementEvent $event) {
// Ignore any element that is not an entry
if (!($event->element instanceof Entry)) {
// Ignore entries that are new because they have no id
if ($event->isNew) {
// Fetch current entry and assign siteid
$masterEntry = Craft::$app->entries->getEntryById($event->element->id, $event->element->siteId);
// Basic Craft fields...
$newEntry = new Entry();
$newEntry->sectionId = $masterEntry->sectionId;
// more craft fields here...
// Custom fields
$newEntry->contentLongtitle = $masterEntry->contentLongtitle;
// more craft custom fields here...
// Matrix field
// Doing this copies the matrix content to newEntry
// but deletes it from masterEntry
$newEntry->matrixSchedule = $masterEntry->matrixSchedule;
$success = Craft::$app->elements->saveElement($newEntry);
// Handle success/failure logic here...