I am just getting to grips with Craft CMS and am finding the Contact Form plugin tricky to use. I have built a reasonable site structure, figured how fields, sections, etc work at a relatively basic level and have produced a one-for-all template so far in the templates/ root folder. But the form eludes me.
I have added the contact form example from https://github.com/craftcms/contact-form to the main template at present, and this shows on my /contact/ page. However, the submission of the form returns an error as follows:
Template not found: contact/thanks
I would assume I need to make a section/entry for the contact/thanks page? So I have now done that. The form submits but just goes to a blank page at contact/thanks even though I have created content on that entry. It's not drawing any of the data items specified in the Twig template.
It also does not send an email. I have implemented and tested the Settings > Email webserver details successfully. But all submissions are being collated in the "Form Submissions" area (Contat Form Extensions plugin).
I note that the form has no action, but the hidden field below exists:
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="contact-form/send">
Do I need to create a page for contact-form/send too? I have clearly made the naive assumption that the plugin would sort the sendmail part but some action is required on my part.
Sorry, I'm a noob. Guidance appreciated.