There is white space being added to the start of my templates.
This isn't really an issue but because its happening to an RSS template that is breaking the feed and causing it to not validate.
When I edit the template in my text editor the white space is not there, so I think it is Craft adding when when rendering the template?
My code looks like this, you can see on line 1 there are no spaces before I declare the XML version. <?xml
However, on the front end it is rendering like so: I have highlighted the space in blue.
Because of this, the RSS template is not validating and is causing my feed to break.
This started recently, I am not sure if it is linked to a recent Craft update but it started happening around the same time.
Craft v3.0.26.1
Any help appreciated :) Thanks
and other other files you might have editing that would be included in that RSS feed request.craft/config/imager.php