I am building an API that takes all products from the Craft Commerce Commerce_ProductModel
. In this I am using the Element API plugin to build it out. I am running on Craft 2 latest version.
I have so far built out the JSON API and it's returning what I need with the following code:
'api/allproducts' => [
'elementType' => 'Commerce_Product',
'criteria' => [
'search' => buildSearchQuery(craft()->request->getParam('types'))
'transformer' => function(Commerce_ProductModel $product) {
$mergedProductData = [];
$title = $product->title;
$url = UrlHelper::getUrl($product->url);
$brand = (string)$product->productBrand[0];
$designer = (string)$product->productDesigner[0];
$num_decimals = (intval($product->defaultVariant->price) == $product->defaultVariant->price) ? 0 :2;
$price = number_format($product->defaultVariant->price,$num_decimals);
$frontImage = $product->productImages[0];
$frontImages = [];
if ($frontImage)
craft()->config->set('generateTransformsBeforePageLoad', true);
if (craft()->plugins->getPlugin('Imager'))
$transformedImages = craft()->imager->transformImage(
'width' => 1170,
'width' => 780,
'jpegQuality' => 65,
'width' => 390,
'jpegQuality' => 65,
'ratio' => 16/9,
'position' => 'bottom-right',
'jpegQuality' => 80,
'fillTransforms' => true,
$frontImages[] = craft()->imager->srcset($transformedImages);
} else {
$frontImages[] = $frontImage->getUrl(['width' => 390, 'height' => 294]);
$mergedProductData[] = [
'id' => $product->id,
'title' => $title,
'productImage' => $frontImages,
'body' => (string) $product->body,
'brand' => $brand,
'designer' => $designer,
'url' => $url
return [
'title' => $title,
'id' => $product->id,
'frontImage' => $frontImages,
'type' => $product->type->name,
'designer' => $designer,
'brand' => $brand,
'price' => $price,
'url' => $url,
'isInWishlist' => craft()->like->isLike($product->id),
'quickViewJson' => $mergedProductData
This is great, its returning what I need and its nothing more but I am trying to return search values against it by looking for the product type form the Commerce_ProductModel
and its hard to figure out.
What I ideally want to do is run a URL query like so:
In the code above there is this function that I was given by another developer that allows you to build queries like the URL above.
In this I want to be able to query any product type
from Craft Commerce so it only returns products of these types. The function is below:
function buildSearchQuery($input) {
$query = "";
$i = 0;
foreach ($input as $value) {
if($i > 0) {
$query .= " OR ";
$query .= "title:*$value* OR body:*$value*";
return $query;
Can anyone shed any light on how this can be done at all?