I have a Matrix field with two blocks. Each block has an assets field that I'm trying to set to restrict to uploads to a single folder and setting the upload location to {slug}. Basically what I'm trying to do is set up a main folder for my portfolio. I want to be able to upload images for each entry and have them placed in a folder with the same name as the entry so whenI look in Assets I see something like:
-- project 1 entry name
-- project 2 entry name
-- project 17 entry name
-- project 18 entry name
When I upload the file in my entry form no subfolders are created. I have tried a few things to remedy the problem to no avail. I've set permissions to 777 and have tried placing a / before {slug} because the fileSystemPath variable doesn't have a trailing slash in my general.php config file. Any other issues that might cause this?