I'm building a navigation menu with 2 levels.
I have a contact page with a subpage thank you, which is hidden.
I hide pages from the menu using a lightswitch option and filter these pages out in my entries call.
However I check if a page has subpages using hasDescendants(), and if the page does, I add the class "has-dropdown" but my contact menu item contains the class "has-dropdown" too which technically is correct as it has a subpage but is it possible to filter with hasDescendants() ?
{% set pages = craft.entries.find({section: "page", genericHideFromNavigation: "[0]"}) %}
{% if pages | length %}
<ul class="main-nav">
{% nav page in pages %}
<li class="{% if page.hasDescendants() %}has-dropdown{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ page.url }}" title="{{ page.title }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
{% ifchildren %}
<ul class="dropdown">
{% children %}
{% endifchildren %}
{% endnav %}
{% endif %}