I have a JavaScript file which sends an array of data to a controller:

Craft.postActionRequest('wineNotes/wineSpreadSheet/saveWines', data, ...)

The structure of the data variable is as follows:

var data = {
    Data: sData

... where sData is an array of temp variables sData(temp1,temp2,...) and the structure of each temp object is like this:

temp = {
    "wine":        ht.getDataAtCell(i,0),
    "country":     ht.getDataAtCell(i,1),
    "region":      ht.getDataAtCell(i,2),
    "note":        ht.getDataAtCell(i,3),
    "tastingdate": ht.getDataAtCell(i,4),
    "rating":      ht.getDataAtCell(i,5),
    "maturity":    ht.getDataAtCell(i,6),
    "conclusion":  ht.getDataAtCell(i,7)

How can I access the parameter temp.wine for each temp in the sData array within the following method of my controller?

public function actionSaveWines()
    // ???

I know the data structure is kinda wierd its actually an array of arrays. Read the below code and you might understand.

            temp = {

        var data = {
            Data: sData,
        Craft.postActionRequest('wineNotes/wineSpreadSheet/saveWines', data, function(response) {


1 Answer 1


Any properties of the object you pass into Craft.postActionRequest()’s second argument will be available to Craft as POST parameters, so you can get to them with HttpRequestService::getPost():

$sData = craft()->request->getPost('Data');

foreach ($sData as $temp)
    $wine = $temp['wine'];
    // ...
  • I think you're close... I think their data structure is actually an array of temp objects (containing "wine", etc). So I think they'll need to loop through $data, and pull the value of wine out of each object in the array.
    – Lindsey D
    Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 7:51
  • I have added the full code above maybe you can get a better idea why I dont think i can do $data = craft()->request->getPost('Data'); as i have many of these 'Data' varaibles inside another array Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 8:28
  • @user3309362 Thanks, just updated my answer. Commented Jun 24, 2014 at 8:57

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