My Craft CMS 3.7.38 is creating over 250.000 almost identical cache files inside the /storage/runtime/cache/
-folder. Because the website isn't even a frequently used big platform, I have no idea why the framework is flooding the cache in such a way, resulting in the website crashing because the hoster limited the number of files to a reasonable amount.
I already tried to reduce the max cache time, I disabled all plugins to be sure that it's the framework itself, I am not using any {% cache %}
tags myself in the templates and it seems to be connected to using matrix fields. Currently, I can only flush the "data cache" once a day to prevent the website from crashing.
Almost all cache files look like this:
a:2:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;a:0:{}}i:1;O:37:"craft\cache\ElementQueryTagDependency":3:{s:4:"tags";a:3:{i:0;s:7:"element";i:1;s:29:"element::craft\elements\Entry";i:2;s:32:"element::craft\elements\Entry::*";}s:4:"data";a:3:{s:40:"CraftCMSce35088bdfe0816226cd17fd051a1234";s:21:"0.45746100 1651155155";s:40:"CraftCMS2743a789e8993267a348eee1ee7e8742";s:21:"0.45746100 1651155155";s:40:"CraftCMS0c445ad43e1ed6e749c63233356asd57";s:21:"0.54989000 1651155155";}s:8:"reusable";b:0;}}
Thank you for any kind of hint.