I have some checkboxes that filter entries by category. All that is working fine on its own. I also have a load more button that is supposed to append additional entries to the query results.
The problem is that it appends everything in the sprig component, including the category filters.
{% set category = craft.categories.id(categoryId).one() %}
{% set industry = industry ?? '' %}
{% set offset = offset ?? 0 %}
{% set limit = 6 %}
{% set relatedTo = ['and', categoryId] %}
{% set relatedTo = industry ? relatedTo|merge(industry) : categoryId %}
<div class="template-types__industry">
{% for indCat in craft.categories.group('templateCategory').all() %}
<input type="checkbox" id="{{ indCat.slug }}" value="{{ indCat.id }}" name="industry[]" {{ indCat.id in industry ? 'checked' }} sprig>
<label for="{{ indCat.slug }}">{{ indCat.title }}</label>
{% endfor %}
<div class="row" id="results">
{% set entryQuery = craft.entries
{% set entries = entryQuery.all() %}
{% if entries|length %}
{% for template in entries %}
<div class="result">
{{ template.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if entryQuery.count() > offset + entries|length %}
<button sprig
s-val:offset="{{ offset + limit }}"
Load more
{% endif %}
I've tried breaking the results into a separate sprig component, but then changes made to the filters don't have an effect, even if they're sent as variables:
<div class="row" id="results">
{{ sprig('_sprig/results', with {
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
relatedTo: relatedTo
}) }}
This should be possible...I just can't figure out a way to set it up properly.