This is a continuation of a previous question I had (Here). I am using Sprig's Load More Recipe. In my category page, I want the load more function to only pull up entries that equals the current category page. In a recent update, the category solution that was in my previous question no longer works, since it has been restructured a little. I cannot figure out how get the relatedTo(category)
to work again. I currently have it set up like this (the {'relatedTo': category}
does not do anything):
{{ sprig('_layouts/_blog/_categories/_loadMore', {'limit': 6},{'relatedTo': category}) }}
{{ sprig.script }}
{% set offset = offset ?? 0 %}
{% set entries = craft.entries.section('caseFiles').offset(offset).limit(limit).relatedTo(category).all() %}
{% for entry in entries %}
------Entry Content-----
{% endfor %}
{% if entries %}
{# Increments `offset` by the value of `limit` and swaps itself out on click #}
<button class="orange-button" sprig s-vars="offset: {{ offset + limit }}"
s-target="this" s-swap="outerHTML">
<p>Load More</p>
{% endif %}