If you want to modify the error message, the way to do is not to use the craft.app.session.getFlash('error') value but use the cart.errors
instead. Each of the errors has a unique key for specific error then you can add a condition on what message to display. It would something this.
{% if cart.errors|length %}
{% for attribute, errors in cart.errors %}
{% if attribute == "lineItems.0.qty" %}
{% for key, error in errors %}
<li>Product is not available</li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for key, error in errors %}
<li>{{ attribute }}: {{ error }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
You could also modify the Unable to cart message by adding this to the update cart form
{{ hiddenInput('failMessage', 'Error adding cart.'|hash) }}