Users are falling into the following state:

  • Tried to sign up with public registration
  • Never clicked or never received (or so they claim) the verification email.
  • Users try to sign up and email is already taken
  • Users cannot reset password as their account is not verified.

Is this a problem? Or am I missing something. Is there a way to activate when they click the reset password link email?

Apart from resending verification email manually for all 100+ users is there anything else i can do?

1 Answer 1


Yeah... sounds like a registration workflow issue. If they click on the activation link and it's past the time it's valid, the page does have a link where they can resend it, but that's only going to be helpful if they got the email in the first place.

I think for now you'll have to use the "Resend Activation Email" button in the CP.

  • Thanks, should I mark this as the answer to the question? Commented Oct 3, 2014 at 9:52
  • Might as well...
    – Brad Bell
    Commented Oct 3, 2014 at 14:10

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